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The Art of Kindness (Part III)

梁素芬 2005/5/7講於萬佛城大殿
By Soo Hoong Liang on May 7, 2005, in the Buddha Hall at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas
世夢 中譯 Chinese Translated by Shi Meng








[Continued from VBS #430 pp.28-29]

I shall now relate one final, remarkable, and inspiring story:

There was a canary that lived with an elderly lady. That elder lady was very fond of her pet bird. The bird would sip whatever beverage that lady was having. That lady’s niece who lived next to her would check on her aunt every night to see if she was fine.

One night, it was raining. Assuming that her aunt was okay, she did not go to visit her, but relaxed by the fireside with her husband instead. A while later, they heard a persistent tapping at the window which became louder and louder. When the niece went to see what was causing it, she found her aunt’s canary chirping and beating hard at the window. That little bird pecked till it collapsed and died from exhaustion.

Thereupon, the niece and her husband ran over to the aunt’s house and found the elder lady lying unconscious on the ground in a pool of blood. Her niece rushed her to the hospital and managed to save her aunt. The little bird sacrificed its life in a desperate attempt to get help.

Stephanie Laland wrote:

“Kindness is universal. It is a most precious part of existence and by choosing to exercise it or not, we make life heaven or hell for ourselves and our fellow beings.”


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