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Dharma Realm Recipes

Dharma Realm Recipes
How to Make Ju-ruo

English Translated by Shramanerika Jin Jing

材料 Main ingredients:

水 850CC、白醋1大匙、海鹽1茶匙

Ju-ruo powder  37.5 gm
Lye powder   1/4 teaspoon
water      850CC
white vinegar  1 big spoon
sea salt     1 teaspoon

作法 Directions:


Place water in a pot and slowly pour alkaline powder into the pan. Mix well using chopsticks. Then slowly mix in the Ju-Ruo powder. Stir evenly using chopsticks until consistency becomes like light batter. Pour the mixture into a pan. Shake it a little so that the pan is evenly filled. Let stand at room temperature for two hours (or steam over low heat for 30 minutes). Take the congealed substance out of the pan. Boil in water over low heat for 10 minutes. Change water and add white vinegar and sea salt. Cook for an other 30 minutes.

用途 Ways of Serving:


Can be served cold, stir fried, or braised with soy sauce.

小技巧 Tips:


1. When stirring the mixture, stir in the same direction, e.g. clockwise, so there is less air in the mixture which will make smoother ju-ruo blocks.
2. Shaking the pan after the mixture is poured in will make the ju-ruo block solid without air bubbles.
3. When steaming or boiling with water, use low heat so that the result is finer.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea