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宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institut











You should be aware of this in advance and not get caught up in the cycle of transmigration. If you are confused and do not understand, you will fall into the Relentless Hells.

Ananda, you should be aware of this in advance, understand the principle involved, and not get caught up in the cycle of transmigration. If you are aware of the demonic state, you won’t fall into the demon’s trap. You won’t end up in the retinue of demons. But if you are confused and do not understand, there will be no politeness involved. It’s certain you will fall into the Relentless Hells. You will not be shown the slightest favor.

Ananda, you should know that in the Dharma-ending Age, these ten kinds of demons may leave the home-life to cultivate the Way within my Dharma. They may possess other people, or they may manifest themselves in various forms. All of them will claim that they have already accomplished Proper and Pervasive Knowledge and Awareness.

Ananda, you should know that, especially in the Dharma-ending Age, these ten kinds of demons, the ones that appear in the ten demonic states associated with the thinking skandha, may leave the home-life to cultivate the Way within my Buddhadharma. They may possess other people. The demon kings may possess other people, or they may manifest themselves in various forms. They may display their spiritual powers as demon kings and manifest all kinds of forms. They may appear as Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, or gods. Demon kings can manifest in any kind of body. All of them will claim that they have already accomplished Proper and Pervasive Knowledge and Awareness. “Proper and Pervasive Knowledge” refers to the Buddha, who has both proper knowledge and pervasive knowledge. “Proper knowledge” means knowing that “the mind produces the myriad dharmas.” “Pervasive knowledge” means knowing that “the myriad dharmas are the mind itself.” When someone has genuine proper and pervasive knowledge and views, he becomes a Buddha, One of Proper and Pervasive Knowledge. However, demons pretend to be Buddhas and claim to have attained proper and pervasive knowledge.

When Shakyamuni Buddha was about to enter Nirvana, he summoned the demon king and commanded him, “You should abide by the rules. Follow the rules from now on. Don’t violate them.”

The demon king replied, “So you want me to follow your rules? Fine. During the ending age of your Dharma, I will wear your garments, eat your food, and defecate in your alms bowl.” His meaning was that he would destroy the Dharma from within.

When the Buddha heard that, he was worried. He wept and said, “There’s really nothing I can do about you. Your method is the most poisonous, the most destructive.”

There is the saying: “The parasites on the lion’s body eat the lion’s flesh.” This means that in the Dharma-ending Age, the demons are strong and the Dharma is weak. There are a lot of demon kings. Therefore, cultivators must be very careful. What are demon kings like? In general, they are different from ordinary people. They have a demonic energy about them. There is something unusual about them, which reveals that they are demon kings.

[January 1983] The Dharma-ending Age is a time when the Dharma is weak and demons are strong. The Song of Enlightenment by Great Master Yongjia says very clearly:

Alas! In the evil time of the Dharma-ending Age,
Living beings have few blessings; it is difficult to train them.
Far indeed from the Sages of the past,
their deviant views are deep.
Demons are strong, the Dharma is weak;
many are the wrongs and injuries.
Hearing of the door of the Tathagata’s Sudden Teaching,
They regret not destroying it as they would smash a tile.

“Alas” expresses a regretful sighing about the Dharma-ending Age. The evil time means this time is very evil and vile. All the monsters are appearing in the world.

The computer is one of the biggest monsters, and television is a small monster. The small monster helps the big one out, and the big monster wants to devour all the people. It wants to take people’s jobs away. This is a very evil age. Living beings have no blessings. They are tense and nervous from morning to night, and people suffer from diseases of the heart, liver, lungs, spleen, and kidneys. Such diseases strike people because they are infected with deviant energy. They have been poisoned too deeply.

You think it’s nice to watch television, to talk on the phone, to listen to the radio, and to play with the computer, but you don’t realize the harm that these things do to your heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. They cause people to act inhuman and ghosts to act unlike ghosts. That’s a sign that the world is starting to go bad. We have been born in a time when living beings have no blessings and are difficult to teach. You may advise them not to watch television or listen to the radio, but they insist on doing those things. Tell them not to listen to music, but they listen on the sly. It’s not easy to teach the upside down living beings in this terrible age.

To be continued


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