
I went to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas for the first time in 1979 during the Grand Opening Ceremony. I was pregnant at that time, and I felt that my daughter had close affinities with Shr Fu [the Venerable Master].
When Shr Fu saw me, he asked about my daughter. He said, “Your daughter is born in the year of the monkey. She will leave the home-life. Are you afraid of it?” I answered, “No, I am not.” The Master told the two Dharma Masters standing beside him that at the age of twelve, this young child would excel at calligraphy. Shr Fu then asked about my son, who was born in the year of the rooster. Shr Fu said, “People of the rooster year love fighting. Watch him carefully.” I had been living with my mother all that time, and my son constantly argued with my mom. That is why Shr Fu wanted me to discipline my son.
In 1980, I was expecting to deliver my baby by May. But then, around mid-March, my feet started to swell. My doctor told me to go to the hospital until the delivery was over. My condition did not improve during my stay in the hospital. By April, my doctor decided to do a caesarean section on me. During the procedure, everything went smoothly. However, that evening I suddenly had a seizure and lost consciousness. My doctor said I had severe blood poisoning, and everything would be fine if I was able to regain consciousness. My mother stayed by my side and continuously recited Shr Fu’s name, beseeching Shr Fu to save me. I stayed unconscious in the intensive care unit for one week. In that state, I felt myself falling into a whirlpool, but I felt somebody holding fast to my hands. When I awoke, I asked, “I slept for a long time last night, didn’t I?” It was then that I realized I had been unconscious for a week. My doctor explained that the probability of this phenomenon happening was higher when the baby was still inside the womb, not after delivery. When my daughter was born, she did not have any problem. She was kept in an incubator for only a few days. When I was discharged from the hospital, Shr Fu happened to be in Hong Kong propagating the Dharma. As soon as Shr Fu set foot in the Buddhist Lecture Hall, he called me and inquired about my condition. Then he said, “Do not be afraid. You are now safe. Eat more vegetarian food and you will be okay.” During that period of time, nobody had told Shr Fu about my predicament because Shr Fu was traveling around Southeast Asia propagating the Dharma. It did not occur to me that Shr Fu knew everything.
In 1994, I went to pay my respects to Shr Fu on his birthday. Shr Fu asked about my family. His very first question was, “How is your husband doing?” I casually said he was doing fine. Shr Fu further asked, “He is doing fine? Tell me how fine he is doing?” Actually, my husband’s business had failed and he was about to sell our residence. Later on, he got a job in a Japanese firm. His job entailed lots of socializing with the Japanese people. Shr Fu wanted me to relay this message to my husband, “Do not do crazy stuff. Do not drink a lot of alcohol or smoke.” I had never told Shr Fu that my husband smoked. Later on, my husband developed high blood pressure and coronary heart disease.
In 1995, my daughter and I went to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas for Shr Fu’s Nirvana Ceremony. On the day of the cremation, my daughter participated and also took refuge with the Triple Jewel. My daughter had a cyst beside her eyes. It started small, but suddenly grew big. Before we left Hong Kong, one doctor advised me to have it surgically removed when we got back from our trip. When we returned to Hong Kong, I remembered what the doctor said but then discovered that the cyst had disappeared. I asked my daughter when it disappeared. She did not know either.
On the evening when my mother passed away, my husband woke up in the middle of the night and smelled the fragrance of incense. He was an atheist. The next morning, he told us about this. My cousin explained that this was due to the fact that my mother routinely got up at 3:00 a.m. everyday to bow to the Buddhas. When my mother was alive, she adhered to a vegetarian diet. Before her passing, she was in and out of the hospital quite often. Once before going in the hospital, she told me, “Even if I ask for nonvegetarian food, ignore me. Shr Fu mentioned before that prior to a person’s final breath, he is prone to do things that he should not do.” Nevertheless, she had always been clear-headed in her adherence to a vegetarian diet. Even though her eyesight was getting poor, she would check out with her hands whatever food the nurse gave her. One time, she found out she was given chicken. She told the nurse, “I am a vegetarian. I do not eat meat.” She returned her tray untouched. Every time my mother was confined in the hospital, she would make a request to Shr Fu, saying, “Shr Fu, I believe in you. I am now going in the hospital. Please make sure you bring me home.”
When my mother passed away, the first person I called to inform was Dharma Master Gwei. My call affirmed the dream DM Gwei had. This is the scenario of her dream: Shr Fu was speaking the Dharma, and she prepared a lot of food for this Dharma assembly. Then, she saw two people carrying my mother into the Buddha Hall and giving her a lot of food. After eating, my mother reclined on the bed. DM Gwei went to her and greeted her, “Auntie, how are you?” (My mother was DM Gwei’s aunt.) My mother answered, “I am very good and very happy.”