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Recipes of Dharma Realm

法界食譜--枸杞豆包 (4人份)
Dharma Realm Recipes
Layered Bean Curd with Chinese Wolfberry
– 4 servings

材料 Ingredients:

厚豆包4片/Thick layered bean curd  4 pieces
碗豆仁1大匙/Frozen peas  1 big tablespoon
香菇3朵/Whole dry black mushrooms  3 pieces
枸杞1大匙/Chinese wolfberries  1 tablespoon

調味料 Sauce:

醬油3大匙/Soy sauce  3 tablespoons
糖1茶匙/Sugar  1 teaspoon
薑末2大匙/Minced ginger  2 tablespoons
太白粉2茶匙加入水2湯匙攪拌 /
Cornstarch + water [2 teaspoons cornstarch + 2 tablespoons water (mix well)]

作法 Directions:

(1) 香菇洗淨泡開,切片備用。
Soften mushrooms by soaking in water. Cut into slices for later use.

(2) 豆包入油鍋炸成金黃色,撈起,瀝乾油份,切片排入盤內備用。
Deepfry layered bean curd. After they turn golden, scoop up and let oil drain. Cut into slices and arrange on a serving plate.

(3) 碗豆仁汆燙,瀝乾水備用。枸杞洗淨備用。
Briefly boil snow peas. Drain. Rinse Chinese wolfberries and place in small bowl for later use.

(4) 油1大匙入炒鍋,待熱,放入香菇、薑末,炒香,加入醬油、糖,再炒香,加入水1碗,待水開, 枸杞,用中火煮約2分鐘,淋入芡汁(邊淋邊攪拌均勻),起鍋淋在已排入盤內的炸豆包上,洒上碗豆仁即可食用。
In a frying pan, heat up a spoonful of oil. Put in minced ginger and mushroom slices. Stir fry until you detect the aroma of the black mushrooms. Add soy sauce and a little sugar. Add a bowl of water and cook until mixture boils. Mix in Chinese wolfberries and pour in cornstarch water. When done, place sauce on top of the already fried bean curd. Decorate with snow peas on top. Ready to serve.

When frying the layered bean curd, keep the heat medium to medium-low. If the heat is too high, the beancurd will be burnt outside yet uncooked inside. When making the gravy sauce, stir while pouring the cornstarch water to prevent lumps from forming.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea