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Making Progress in Cultivating the Way
--Introducing Bhikshuni Heng Dzu

求同 文與譯
Written and translated By chyou tung









The recitation of the Universal Door Chapter at a temple gave Heng Dzu Shr great Dharma bliss when she was a teenager; later on, she always went there to do voluntary work. She had a group of close friends and they would meet together on Sundays. Since most of them were devoted Buddhists, their conversation often involved sharing what they learned at the temple. In 1989, when the Venerable Master led a delegation to speak Dharma in Malaysia, they went together to participate. As soon as she saw the Venerable Master, she shed tears. After several Dharma assemblies, the Venerable Master went on his journey. She became a vegetarian and even inspired her colleagues to stop eating meat too.

In 1990, she quit her job of eight years and moved to the temple of DM Heng Sue in Kuala Lumpur so that she could learn more about Buddhadharma. Five months later, after she received her U.S. visa in April 1991, she came with ten other friends to attend the Repentance before 10,000 Buddhas at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Five of them left the home life first and her turn came later. Finally she also entered the monastic life on Guanyin Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment Day.

Heng Dzu Shr recalled that during the 108-day training period for full ordination, the novices were so busy with classes and work from morning to night that she had no time to do laundry. However, everything was in good order and her fellow cultivators worked together so that their mutual understanding developed in their work and life. It was like the perfect blend of water and milk, and she felt tremendous joy. In 1992, she received full ordination.

In 1993, she started to work at Joyous Giving House (JGH) for the Sangha Laity Training Program, and was responsible for keeping the student files. She also helped in Jyun Kang Vegetarian Restaurant. She was very devoted and active as she became familiar with her work and took the opportunity to spread vegetarianism. Being very efficient and energetic, she also managed the CTTB Bookstore in her extra time for two years. In the year 2000, the Buddhist Text Translation Society (BTTS) created a website to sell their publications online. She started to fill book orders from all over the world. At first the orders were only for English books. Now people can acquire books in Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish, French and other languages. “Books are sent to all parts of the world. People express their appreciation and hope we continue to publish more of the Venerable Master’s books,” said Bhikshuni Heng Dzu. She is very grateful to be a member of BTTS and values the far-reaching influence of the Internet.

Since September 2001, Heng Dzu Shr became the Girls’ Dorm Director. Listening to her talk about each student who graduated in the last three years, one feels her caring and realizes that it is not an easy job. In the beginning she lacked experience and slowly learned how to understand the students better and to make the many difficult decisions involved in caring for the boarding students. Teaching and learning go hand in hand. The students are a mirror for her. By reflecting on herself she has learned to treat them fairly and has also developed the art of listening. Her mind is focused on these girls, as she watches their academic performance and character development, and takes care of mundane tasks such as arranging their activities on holidays.

In a big monastery, she thinks it’s important to reinforce one’s spiritual practice. Since she has had many responses from Amitabha recitation, this is her chosen practice.

Endowed with many talents, Bhikshuni Heng Dzu has gone to all the branches of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association to help with Dharma assemblies and has created affinities in the Dharma with many people. Always serving as assistant cantor, she chooses not to take the lead. With her flexibility, loyalty and support, she has proved to be a capable assistant for three different managers at JGH. For her personal growth she wishes to overcome her quick temper, and she bows to those she has offended to make up for her mistakes. Living in the Sangha community, she has learned from good cultivators. Her goals for her practice are to improve her attitude in speaking to others and to develop more loving-kindness in her heart.

上人答問錄 Q & A with the Venerable Master
Q: What is the Bodhi Path?
A : The Bodhi Path involves taking losses. Instead of taking advantage of others, one should benefit them. One should benefit all beings, not just people. On the path of practicing the Bodhisattva conduct, one must consider all living beings.


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