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Attention: A Deficiency in Vitamin B12 can
Lead to Major Health Problems

沙彌尼近柔師 文 By shramenerika jin rou
姜曉明 中譯 chinese translation by charmaine chiang

二○○四年十月八日在洛杉磯舉辦的「素食來源」講習會中,布蘭達‧戴薇絲發表了一個非常引人注目的演講。她是一本有關營養的書《成為素食者》的作者之一。我想和大家分享她所談到的維他命 B12。看起來似乎法總各道場所提供的東方食品中,例如大量的海帶、味噌、醬油、醃黃瓜和深綠色蔬菜,應該含有足夠的維他命 B12。但根據布蘭達及其他演講者的看法,我們的飲食中還是缺少維他命 B12。可從以下最常見的問答中來說明她的看法:

One of the most outstanding talks at the Vegetarian Conference in Los Angeles, October 8, 2004, was given by Brenda Davis, co-author of Becoming Vegetarian. It seems that the Asian diet served at the various DRBA monasteries should contain adequate amounts of Vitamin B12, with the abundance of seaweed, miso, soy sauce, pickles, and dark green vegetables served. According to Brenda and other speakers at the conference, however, our diet may be deficient in B12. In explanation, are answers to the most frequently asked questions and answers about Vitamin B12.



答:(1) 在空氣、水和土壤中都藏有細菌。雖然在肉類中發現B12,但動物不會製造B12,反而是細菌製造B12。在所有腐壞生物中,都含藏著B12。在以前,人們從藏在蔬菜中的土、水和腐敗品中獲取B12。在現代高水準的衛生環境條件下,把蔬菜洗得一塵不染,甚至把皮削得乾乾淨淨;水也是氯化消毒過的,因此把活菌也都消滅了。

(2) 發酵過的黃豆菌(Tempeh)、味噌、醬油、醃黃瓜、酸白菜,這些也都不是可靠的B12來源。這些食物,在傳統的製造過程中,不是很講究衛生的,也沒有添加重量清潔劑;所以細菌有機可趁,幫忙發酵,故含有大量的B12。如今,這些食品都在無菌狀態中製造,所以B12根本不存在。發酵食品由於含重要的消化脢,或許有助其他B12來源的吸收或促進腸內B12細菌的生長。

(3) 海菜和藍綠藻也不是可靠的來源。海帶、螺旋藻和其他的藻類可能含有類似B12的成份,雖然海帶和微藻類提供寶貴的營養,但並不能解決人體對B12的需求。

(4) 營養的酵母生長在富於B12的環境中(並非所有酵素都含B12,參看標籤。)注意:雖然酵素富有某些養分,因它含高磷物,若吃多了,會消耗體內的鈣質。






答:B12 從微菌中產生,製成丸狀,是少數完整食物的補給品。它不在蛋白質內;實際上,反而比在食物中的B12易吸收消化(特別是腸胃有問題的)。








小麥  2杯
水   一夸特



1杯 芝麻 (浸泡八小時後,將水瀝乾)
1杯 回春水



燕麥酸奶 作法如上

1杯  圓形燕麥
1杯  回春水或普通水
1 茶匙 沒有低溫殺菌過的醬油或味噌。


1. What are vegetarian sources of B12?

a. Bacteria found in air, water and soil: Although B12 is found in meat, animals do not make B12; bacteria do. Whatever is contaminated contains B12. In the past, people obtained B12 from dirt clinging to plants, from water, and from bacterial contamination. In our modern sanitary food environment, we wash every bit of dirt from vegetables and even peel them. Our water is chlorinated, thus killing any live bacteria.

b. Fermented foods such as tempeh, miso, soy sauce, pickles and sauerkraut are unreliable sources: Traditionally, these foods were produced during a time when people were not so hygienic and did not use such strong cleansers; they contained high amounts of B12. All sorts of bacteria got in the fermenting food. Nowadays, these foods are fermented in sterilized containers and are virtually devoid of B12. Fermented foods, because of their vital digestive enzymes, may aid in the absorption of B12 from other sources or stimulate B12 bacterial growth in the intestines.

c. Sea vegetables and blue-green algae are not a reliable source: Seaweeds, spirulina and other algae may contain B12 analogs. The analogs are similar but perform differently. Although seaweed and micro-algae offer valuable nutritional advantages, they won’t help your need for Vitamin B12.

d. Nutritional yeast, grown in a B12-enriched medium (Not all yeast contains B12. Check the label.) Warning: Although yeast is rich in certain nutrients, it has a high phosphorus content and can deplete the body of calcium—if taken in excess.

2. Can vegetables grown in rich compost supply us with B12? Maybe, but the amount is variable and mostly negligible.

3. Can people manufacture their own B12? Among healthy people, B12 can be manufactured by bacteria in the colon, but there is controversy as to whether it is absorbed or not. There are great differences from one person to the next in B12 absorption. Some adults can reserve B12 in the liver for months or even years, but it’s best to use fortified foods or supplements to keep a healthy level. (People over fifty cannot absorb B12 from dairy.)

4. Are B12 supplements as good as in food? B12 is derived from microorganisms and is one of the few whole-food supplements in pill form; it is not bound to protein and is actually easier to absorb, especially for those with gastric problems.

5. How does B12 help us? Forms red blood cells; is essential to the function of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves; builds immune system, energizes the body and counteracts allergens; keeps the cellular structures free of distortions in cancer, aging, injuries or common degenerative disorders.

6. What are the signs of B12 deficiency? Fatigue, weakness, listlessness; shortness of breath and palpitations of the heart; nervous, mental and emotional conditions; decrease of memory and concentration, dizziness, disorientation and mood changes; delusions and paranoia; loss of bladder and bowel control; blurred vision, tingling skin, diarrhea, depression, indigestion; paleness, numbness in the fingers and toes, anorexia, infertility; apathy, violent behavior, and personality changes.

Daily intake: 10 mcg per day or 2,000 mcg per week.

Recipes for Healthy Intestinal Flora

Rejuvelac (a fermented drink)
2 cups wheat berries
1 quart water

Soak 2 cups of wheat berries for 8 hours. Discard soak water and add 1 quart of water. Cover with a cloth and let stand for 2 days. Pour off the first batch of rejuvelac and use. Add another quart of water to the wheat berries, and after 1 day, pour off the second batch of rejuvelac. Store in a glass container in the refrigerator. If the taste is too sour, reduce the fermentation time. Use rejuvelac as a drink, to make seed yogurts and dressings, and in soups and sauces, also as a natural bread leavener.

Seed Yogurt
1 cup sesame seeds, soaked for 8 hours and drained
1 cup rejuvelac
or 1 tsp miso stirred into 1 cup water

Puree ingredients in a blender until smooth. Place in a glass jar and cover with a cloth. Set in a warm place for 6-10 hours. Refrigerate.
Variation: Use almonds, walnuts, or pumpkin seeds.
Note: Sprouting and fermenting eliminates rancidity in nuts and seeds.

Oat Yogurt
In the above recipe, replace the seeds with 1 cup of oatmeal or whole oats.


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