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宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institut











There in the Dharma Assembly, inexplicably, that person may obtain an enormous precious pearl. The demon may sometimes change into an animal that holds the pearl or other jewels, bamboo tablets, tallies, talismans, letters, and other unusual things in its mouth. The demon first gives the objects to the person and afterwards possesses him. Or he may fool his audience by burying the objects underground and then saying that a “moonlight pearl” is illuminating the place. Thereupon the audience feels they have obtained something unique. He may eat only medicinal herbs and not partake of prepared food. Or he may eat only one sesame seed and one grain of wheat a day and still look robust. That is because he is sustained by the power of the demon. He slanders Bhikshus and scolds his assembly of disciples without fear of ridicule or rejection.

There in the Dharma Assembly, inexplicably, for no reason whatsoever, in the place where Dharma is being spoken, that person may obtain an enormous precious pearl. It may be a diamond or something like a “wish-fulfilling pearl.” The demon may sometimes change into an animal. The person who is speaking the Dharma changes into an animal himself, explaining that Bodhisattvas can transform into anything. The animal that he changes into holds the pearl or other jewels, bamboo tablets, or tallies. Tallies were used for official purposes in ancient times. Words were written on a piece of bamboo, which was then split, so that part of the words appeared on each piece. When it was time to use the tallies, they would be put together. If the tallies matched, it would be a certified match. If the two parts did not match, that would mean it was inauthentic. Talismans are used to subdue and catch demons, ghosts, goblins, and weird creatures. And the animal might carry letters and other unusual things in its mouth. All of these are strange, rare, and valuable objects. The demon first gives the objects to the person and afterwards possesses him.

Or he may fool his audience by burying the objects underground and then saying that a “moonlight pearl” is illuminating the place. He buries the pearl in the ground and then tricks his listeners, telling them, “There is a pearl which resembles the bright moon, emitting light there.” Thereupon the audience feels they have obtained something unique. “Wow! This has to be for real. This can’t be a demon,” they say. He is clearly a demon, yet they insist that he isn’t. Alas for those who listen to his Dharma!

He may eat only medicinal herbs and not partake of prepared food. The demon often eats only herbs, not regular food. He doesn’t eat good food. He may eat ginseng or other tonics and nourishing supplements. When I was in Hong Kong I met a person who said he didn’t eat ordinary food. He acted as a medium for people who sought long life, sons, blessings, or other things. Whenever he stayed in people’s homes, he would announce he didn’t eat ordinary food. What did he eat then? Walnuts. Walnuts are very nourishing—full of oil. If you eat them, your brain will be very good. You only have to eat a little to be full; if you usually eat one bowl of rice, you only have to eat half a bowl of walnuts to be full. He also ate pine nuts. At any rate, he ate the most nutritious items. Or he may eat only one sesame seed and one grain of wheat a day and still look robust. Even so, he stays really fat, fatter than a pig. That is because he is sustained by the power of the demon.

He slanders Bhikshus and scolds his assembly of disciples without fear of ridicule or rejection. He does nothing but slander those who have left the home-life. “Left-home people? What home did they leave? They don’t cultivate at all. Left-home people aren’t greedy for money? The more the better is their attitude.” Or he says, “Why do you believe in him? He’s just a person, after all. You’re really an idiot.” When people have faith in the Bhikshus, he calls them idiots. He scolds his own disciples, calling them animals and all sorts of things. He’s totally unafraid of any rebuttals.

To be continued


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea