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宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute










「汝當先覺,不入輪迴」:你應該先先地覺悟,首先你要覺悟,不入魔王這個輪迴。 (下接第12頁)











The good person is beguiled and fooled into thinking the other is a Bodhisattva. His thoughts become entangled in love. He breaks the Buddha’s moral precepts and covertly indulges his greedy desires.

The good person is beguiled and fooled into thinking the other is a Bodhisattva. The cultivator is extremely stupid and thinks the possessed person is a Bodhisattva. His thoughts become entangled in love. He falls in love with the demon. He breaks the Buddha’s moral precepts, not abiding by them, and covertly indulges his greedy desires. He has licentious relations on the sly.

He is fond of saying that there are greater Buddhas and lesser Buddhas, earlier Buddhas and later Buddhas; that among them are true Buddhas and false Buddhas, male Buddhas and female Buddhas; and that the same is true of Bodhisattvas. When people witness this, their initial resolve is washed away, and they easily get carried away with their wrong understanding.

He is fond of saying that there are greater Buddhas and lesser Buddhas. What does this demon like to say? It says, “You people study the Buddhadharma, but do you know what Buddhas are all about? There are great Buddhas and small Buddhas, old Buddhas and young Buddhas.” He further elaborates that there are earlier Buddhas and later Buddhas; that among them are true Buddhas and false Buddhas. The demon king claims that he is a true Buddha, while other Buddhas are false Buddhas. He also says that there are male Buddhas and female Buddhas. He insists, “Intercourse between men and women creates Buddhas. It is the origin of Buddhas; it is the Bodhi mind.” Of course this confuses people. They think, “Oh, so that’s how one becomes a Buddha!” and then they indulge in unrestrained debauchery. They would rather die than not engage in lust.

And he says that the same is true of Bodhisattvas, maintaining that there are great and small Bodhisattvas, and male and female ones, too. Actually, anyone who becomes a Buddha or a Bodhisattva is male. There are no female Buddhas or Bodhisattvas. Guanyin Bodhisattva may manifest in the form of a woman in order to teach and rescue women. When people witness this and hear him saying such things, they think, “He’s right. I always see Guanyin Bodhisattva depicted as a female. That’s proof right there.” Such people do not understand the Buddhadharma. Guanyin Bodhisattva is neither male nor female. The Bodhisattva responds to each living being and appears in an appropriate form to teach and transform that being. It is very difficult to distinguish manifestations of Bodhisattvas from manifestations of demons, because demons also have spiritual powers and the ability to transform themselves. How can you tell if someone is a demon? Observe to see whether he has lust or greed. Their initial resolve is washed away. They change their minds and forsake their original resolve to cultivate, and they easily get carried away with their wrong understanding.

This is a mei-ghost that in its old age has become a demon. It disturbs and confuses the good person. But when it tires of doing so, it will leave the other person’s body. Then both the disciples and the teacher will get in trouble with the law.

This is a mei-ghost, a ghost that falls into the category of li, mei, and wang liang ghosts, that in its old age has become a demon. It disturbs and confuses the good person who is cultivating samadhi. But when it tires of doing so eventually, it will leave the other person’s body. Then both the disciples and the teacher will get in trouble with the law. They will be arrested and imprisoned.

You should be aware of this in advance and not get caught up in the cycle of transmigration. If you are confused and do not understand, you will fall into the Relentless Hells.

You should be aware of this in advance and not get caught up in the cycle of transmigration. You should wake up at the very start and avoid entering the demon king’s cycle of rebirth. (Continued on page 12)
(Continued from page 9)

If you lack wisdom and are confused, and you do not understand what is going on, you will fall into the Relentless Hells.

Further, in the unhindered clarity and wonder that ensues after the feeling skandha is gone, this good person is untroubled by any deviant mental state and experiences perfect, bright concentration. Within samadhi, his mind craves to know the origins of things, so he exhaustively investigates the nature of physical things and their changes from beginning to end. He intensifies the keenness of his thoughts as he greedily seeks to analyze things.

Further, in the unhindered clarity and wonder that ensues after the feeling skandha is gone, this good person who is cultivating samadhi is untroubled by any deviant mental state and experiences perfect, bright concentration. Within samadhi, his mind craves to know the origins of things. He decides that he wants to study the principles of the physical world. So he exhaustively investigates the nature of physical things and their changes and transformations from beginning to end, to find out what they are all about. He intensifies the keenness of his thoughts, honing his mental concentration as he greedily seeks to analyze, differentiate, and understand things in the physical world.

At that time a demon from the heavens seizes the opportunity it has been waiting for. Its spirit possesses another person and uses him as a mouthpiece to expound the Sutras and the Dharma.

At that time a demon from the heavens sees him and says, “Aha! You’ve had a greedy thought. Great! Now I can send one of my retinue to snare you.” And so it seizes the opportunity it has been waiting for. Once again, the demon king sends one of its followers and its spirit possesses another person and uses him as a mouthpiece to expound the Sutras and speak the Dharma of the demon king.

[January 1983]

Disciple: I’ve noticed that every state of the thinking skandha begins with the phrase “in the unhindered clarity and wonder that ensues after the feeling skandha is gone, [he is] untroubled by any deviant mental state.” What does the phrase “untroubled by any deviant mental state” mean? Does it mean the person is without deviant knowledge and views? Or does it mean that he does not have improper thoughts? When the cultivator reaches this level, what is his state like?

Venerable Master: “In the unhindered clarity and wonder that ensues after the feeling skandha is gone”: There has to be unhindered clarity for it to be wonderful, and it must be wonderful for there to be unhindered clarity. When he attains this state in the feeling skandha, he feels very much at ease. “[He is] untroubled by any deviant mental state”: That means he doesn’t encounter any such state. If he has some skill in the feeling skandha, he basically shouldn’t encounter any deviant mental state. And yet, for no apparent reason, he does encounter one. This deviant mental state is a thief from outside—a deviant demon, ghost, or freak that comes from outside. Originally, he shouldn’t have encountered such beings, but in the end he had thoughts of love, seeking, greed, selfishness, or self-benefit. Having reverted to these old faults, he encountered those beings. If he didn’t have these old faults, he would be able to continue making progress.

If you understand all the states that come up without being swayed by them, then you won’t be troubled by deviant mental states. As soon as you’re turned by a state, however, it will be able to trouble you. Basically, he isn’t supposed to be troubled by deviant mental states, and yet he gets turned—is this a contradiction? No, it’s because his thought of desire has opened the door to thieves. He covertly indulges his greedy desires. He sneaks around engaging in immoral conduct and does not abide by the rules and precepts. He says, “What do precepts matter?” and claims to be enlightened. I don’t dare to transgress the rules, because I’m not enlightened.

To be continued


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