萬佛城金剛菩提海 Vajra Bodhi Sea


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 Delighting in the Dharma-
Introducing Bhikshuni Heng Jin


恒謹師原籍安徽桐城,民國十年〈1921〉出生於東北吉林省,在護產專校 畢業後,分派到吉林市小豐滿醫院服務。因不忍見傷患哀叫呻吟,而商請醫師儘速診治,並細心照料,病患感恩,呼之為「白衣天使」。


小學讀世界史,聽到釋迦牟尼佛的名字即心生歡喜。稍長,一次殺魚,刮鱗時心想「這不是像人剝皮嗎? 」魚曲屈躍起,把她嚇哭了,以後每拜大悲懺就發願:「我要生生世世素食,沾魚沾肉就要我嘔吐瀉肚,以除葷食。」



一九八二年比丘恆實師在金輪聖寺講《華嚴經》,她約了兩個女兒、女婿前往聽講。當時由恆實師消文,上人補 充,聽了數次即偕同兩女皈依上人座下 ,法名果文,後來上人改果問。

1982年萬佛城山門落成典禮,她很 想來參加,但值長女考會計師,小孫子需要人照顧。上人說:「妳要是去,她準考上。」典禮時,上人高聲宣布:「凡所有入佛門弟子,皆蒙佛光普照,諸事如意吉祥成就。」長女果然通過。

此後年年來聖城拜萬佛寶懺。一次去大殿途中,遇上人慢悠悠地念著「掃一切法,離一切相。」自己日誦《金剛經》,數年不解其意,此時豁然心開 ,心中歡喜,當下決定依止上人出家。  

八八年元旦在聖城拜見上人後,說:「不走啦!」上人問:「妳想出家?」「是,我想出家。」是年六月十六日 於金山聖寺剃度,接著學習律儀;八九 年聖城辦水陸空大法會,並傳三壇大戒 ,九月三日圓滿具戒。

恒謹師願以波羅提木叉為師,在聖城與道友和合共住,銷煩惱,除塵垢, 早成佛道。


 Bhikshuni Heng Jin Shi's family was originally from Tong-cheng County of An-hui Province in China. She herself was born in 1921 in Ji-lin Province, Manchuria. After graduating from school trained as a nurse and mid-wife, she was assigned to Xiao Fen-man Hospital in Ji-lin City. While at work she couldn't bear to see the patients moan in anguish and would often beg the doctors to treat them as soon as possible, thus earning the title "angel in white."

When she was twelve, Japan invaded China and established a puppet government- the Manchu Empire. This act eventually led to the Second World War. She once read an instructional talk in which the Venerable Master said, "A leader who wants to invade other countries must raise the tax, build weapons, and train the people in warfare. 'A fight over a city results in casualties filling up the city; a fight in the field leaves the field filled with casualties.' You may fight, but there is no ultimate victor, Would you say that such a leader loves the people or harms them? This is something we ought to think over." Having personally experienced the Japanese invasion, she could not think of any words wiser than these.

As an elementary student, she was delighted when she heard Shakyamuni Buddha's name in a World History class. Once as she was scraping the scales off of a fish, she thought, "Isn't this like peeling the skin off of a person?" The fish twisted and jumped in pain, and she was frightened to tears. Since then, when she bows the Great Compassion Repentance she always vows, "I shall be a vegetarian in life after life. Whenever I taste meat, I shall vomit and suffer diarrhea, causing me to refrain from eating meat."  

She was deeply touched by the great vows of the Earth Store Bodhisattva while reading the Earth Store Sutra. During the seventh lunar month (also known as the "month of ghosts"), it is a Taiwanese custom to make elaborate offerings of all kinds of meat dishes. She would recite the Earth Store Sutra every day during that month, praying that the animals killed would be reborn in a better place.  

Observing that children in Taiwan liked reading comics, she wrote the Earth Store Sutra in simple colloquial style, hoping that children would learn to be filial to their parents and understand the workings of cause and effect. Someone illustrated the book, and she printed one thousand copies to fulfill her wish of benefiting living beings.

In 1982 when Bhikshu Heng Sure lectured the Avatamsaka Sutra at Gold Wheel Monastery in Los Angeles, she invited two of her daughters and their husbands to attend. After attending a few lectures, she and the two daughters took refuge with the Venerable Master. She was given the Dharma name Guo Wen ("literary fruits"). Later the Master changed her name to Guo Wen ("fruits of questioning").

In 1982 she wished to attend the celebration of the completion of the mountain gate of the City of the Ten Thousand Buddhas, but since her eldest daughter was preparing to take the exam for public accountants, she had to babysit her young grandson. The Venerable Mater told her, "If you come, I guarantee that your daughter will pass the exam." During the ceremony, the Venerable Master gave his blessings: "All of you who have come to Buddhism will be bathed in the Buddha's light and everything would be auspicious for you." Her daughter passed the exam.

From then on she would come to bow the Ten Thousand Buddhas Repentance every year. One time on her way to the Buddha Hall, she saw the Venerable Master reciting, "Sweep away all Dharmas and be apart from all marks," as he walked slowly. She had been reciting the Vajra Sutra daily for several years and could not fathom the meaning of this passage, but now suddenly she understood. She was so delighted that she decided right then and there to enter the monastic life under the Venerable Master.

On the New Year's Day of 1988 after she bowed to the Venerable Master she said, "I am not leaving anymore." The Venerable Master asked, "So you want to enter the monastic life?" "Yes." Her head was shaved on June 16th and she started studying the precepts and the rules of deportment. The next year during a Water, Land and Air Dharma Session, a full ordination was also held at the City. She was ordained as a Bhikshuni on September 3rd.

Heng Jin Shi vows to take the precepts as her teacher and wishes to live in harmony with all fellow cultivators, so that we may all get rid of our afflictions and attain Buddhahood soon.



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