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(J. Bergelson) C.B.普凌頓 ( C.B. Purrington) 與 G. 惠克曼(
「基因工程引發『超級雜草』的恐慌」一文。 31.舉例,孟山都公司(Monsato Corporation) - -
.....米奇﹒坎特(Mickey Kantor) - -
瑪莎﹒賀爾(Marcia Hale)
(Note: here, "protocal” =a detailed plan of a scientific or
medical experiment, treatment, or Procedure)第一屆年會時
,格鼎斯是美國代表團的成員,上星期他以BIO代表的身份,參加第二屆計劃( protocal) 的年會。
(「愛德蒙研究院」的貝絲柏瑞斯的(Beth Burrows)
corpwatch.org/ trac/corner/worldnews/ other/
大衛.貝爾 (DavidW. Beier) ....
(Permission is granted to reproduce this
article, to distribute it without charge, and to provide
links to it. Please contact the author at epstein@sfsu.edu
regarding other uses.)
When genetically engineered crops are
grown for a specific purpose, they cannot be easily isolated
either from spreading into the wild or from
cross-pollinating with wild relatives. It has already been
shown30 that cross-pollination can take place almost a mile
away from the genetically engineered plantings. As has
already occurred with noxious weeds and exotics, human
beings, animals and birds may accidentally carry the
genetically engineered seeds over far vaster distances.
Spillage in transport and at processing factories is also
inevitable. The genetically engineered plants can then force
out plant competitors and thus radically change the balance
of ecosystems, or even destroy them.
Under current United States government
regulations, companies that are doing field-testing of
genetically engineered organisms need not inform the public
of what genes they have added to the organisms they are
testing. They can be declared trade secrets, so that public
safety is left to the judgment of corporate scientists and
government regulators, many of whom switch back and forth
between working for the government and working for the
corporations they supposedly regulate.31
30. "The most immediate and easily observable impacts of
transgenic plants on the ecological environment are due to
cross-pollination between transgenic crop-plants and their
wild relatives to generate super-weeds. Field trials have
shown that cross- hybridization has occurred between
herbicide resistant transgenic Brassica napa and its wild
relatives... " Ho, Genetic Engineering: Dream or Nightmare?,
p. 133. Some evidence indicates that transgenic plants have
a greater ability to pollinate other plants than ordinary
plants, which increases the danger of the emergence of
superweeds. See J. Bergelson, CB.
Purrington & G. Wichmann, "Promiscuity increase in
transgenic plants," Nature 395, no. 6697 (Sept. 3, 1998) 25,
and "Genetically Engineered Plant Raises Fears of 'Superweeds'"
(Associated Press), printed in the L os Angeles Times (Sept.
3, 1998).
31. For example, it is public knowledge
that there is a revolving door between Monsanto Corporation,
one of the major transnational forces in genetic
engineering, and the White House:
" ... Mr. Mickey Kantor, former United
States Trade Representative and, until January 21 of last
year, the Secretary of Commerce for the United States, has
been made a member of the board of directors of Monsanto
Corporation, a leading transnational biotechnology firm. The
appointment was confirmed by a staff member of Mr. Kantor's
Washington, D.C law firm Mr. Kantor joins others in the US
who recently changed job assignments from service in
government to positions in the biotechnology industry.
Marcia Hale, earlier this month, moved from assistant to the
President of the United States for intergovernmental
affairs, to senior official with Monsanto to coordinate
public affairs and corporate strategy in the United Kingdom
and Ireland. Also putting on the industry hat this month was
L. Val Giddings. Less than two weeks ago, Giddings went from
being a biotechnology regulator at the United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA/APHIS) to being the vice
president for food and agriculture at the Biotechnology
Industry Organization (BIO). Giddings, who had been a member
of the US. delegation at the first meeting of the Open Ended
Ad Hoc Working Group on a Biosafety Protocol, attended last
week's second meeting on the protocol as the representative
of BIO.” (Emailed news release from Beth Burrows of the
Edmonds Institute entitled "Government Workers Go Biotech,"
May 19, 1997. Also posted on the
Internet at
>and <http://www.geocities.com/Athens/1527/appt.html>.)
Burrows distributed the following
addendum at the biosafety negotiation meetings in Montreal,
August 17, 1998:
Once again, this time in alphabetical
order, we note with interest the following changes in job
David W Beier... former head of
Government Affairs for Genentech, Inc., now chief domestic
policy advisor to Al Gore, Vice-President of the United
~ To be continued