頂層為大佛殿,可容600人,供奉華嚴三聖銅像:毗盧遮那佛居中,高20呎, 兩旁為文殊及普賢兩尊菩薩,各高16呎。
(1)孝 (2)悌 (3)忠 (4)信 (5)禮
(6)義 (7)廉 (8)恥
(1)不爭 (2)不貪 (3)不求
(4)不自私 (5)不自利 (6)不妄語
Members of the Dharma Realm Buddhist
Association first came to Calgary in 1985. Avatamsaka
Monastery was then located in southeast Calgary, near the
zoo, in a district called Ramsey. The all-brick building was
small, 7000 square feet, in a location that difficult to
Because the number of devotees kept
increasing, after three or four years, members began looking
for a larger facility. Finally, in 1996 Avatamsaka Monastery
moved to the new building located on the edge of the
downtown district. The building sits adjacent the Bow River,
contains about 21,000 feet of floor space, and is
constructed of reinforced concrete capable of supporting 3
additional stories.
Presently, the Buddha Hall, library,
reception area, and offices occupy the main floor, while the
kitchen, dining hall, monks' quarters, one small classroom,
storage space, a workshop, and one office are in the
basement. The small house immediately to the west of the
monastery houses the Sunday school.
Because the current facilities are not
large enough to accommodate all the activities, three more
stories will be added. The second floor will house a
full-time day school and a large dining hall, and the third
floor will have different rooms for various uses, including
a meditation hall, living quarters, and memorial halls for
both the living and the dead. Finally, the top floor will be
the main worship hall for the monastery, with space for 600
devotees. There will be a twenty-foot-high bronze statue of
Vairochana Buddha in the center, flanked by sixteen-foot
high statues of Manjushri Bodhisattva and Universal Worthy
When Avatamsaka Monastery is completed,
it will be a fully contained, centrally located facility
where anyone may come to take part in the various activities
offered therein.
Dharma Realm Buddhist Youth (DRBY) will host activities at
the monastery. DRBY educates young people in the Buddhist
tradition of personal growth and self reflection, and helps
them develop their full potential as human beings.
We provide a safe space for dialogue
between youth of all backgrounds. We encourage, respect, and
cherish youth. DRBY unites all people who share this vision
of making a better future for the world.
Instilling Goodness and Developing Virtue School will also
be housed at the monastery. The school mission is to provide
a unique blend of East/West education that emphasizes
ethics, character development, excellence in scholarship,
social responsibility and service, leadership, and the
development of individual potential. Our school is proud to
promote education based on the ideals of the Buddha's
teachings, and courses in Buddhist Studies are required for
all students. However, students of all faiths are welcome to
attend the school. Emphasis is placed on:
1. Respect for parents, teachers, and elders
2. Empathy
3. Good citizenship
4. Trustworthiness
5. Propriety
6. Social justice
7. Integrity
8. Humility
The teachers and staff are role models
for unselfish and ethical conduct, and students are
encouraged to cultivate specific skills for ethical
leadership and service to humanity.
Furthermore, students who attend our
school develop interpersonal qualities such as cooperation,
compassion, and benevolence which are of prime importance in
the development of the whole person, while our high academic
standards fulfill their intellectual potential.
The Six Guiding Principles are an
integral part of the day-to-day activities of the school:
1. No fighting (cooperation)
2. No greed (generosity)
3. No seeking (contentment)
4. No selfishness (selflessness)
5. No pursuit of personal advantage (service)
6. No lying (truthfulness)