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My Greatest Dream

By Qinzhi Lau, 5th grader of Instilling Goodness Boys School in March 2001

※編按:以下文章為萬佛城為慶祝懷少節所甄選出的文章之一,此次徵文主題為「世界和平」,所有投稿及藝術作品,皆已編輯成冊。欲知詳情,請聯絡本城育良女子小學。 Note: This essay was submitted for the Cherishing Youth Day "Call for Essays and Artwork" on the theme of world peace. All the work submitted has been compiled into a booklet, "World Peace Project." For more information, contact Instilling Goodness Elementary School at CTTB.





我有一個美夢:有一天,世界不再有戰爭,也沒有地震、洪水、火災等天災人禍。    我有一個美夢:有一天,大家健康,沒有癌症、心臟病、愛滋病、瘋狂病等等令人痛苦萬分的疾病。




如果人不殺生就會發慈悲心,不想再打仗;不偷盜就不會貪求、嫉妒別人的財物;不邪浮就不會有這麼多男人找女人,女人找男人的事情;不妄語,大家都會相信別人的話;不飲酒就不會有這麼多人醉酒而傷害自己或他人。    雖然如此,這個世界還是不夠完美,因為人還會出生、衰老、死亡,所以如果我們要有一個最完美的世界,那就快快念阿彌陀佛,求生極樂世界--這就是我最大的美夢了。


At present, our world is much different from Confucius' time, which was about 2,500 years ago. Why is that? For example, Confucius said in the Great Commonwealth: "The able-bodied have their uses, and the youngsters can grow up properly." However, now we can see that there are many middle-aged people on the streets, holding signs that say, "I don't have a job, please help me!" Or, "I have no food." Meanwhile, modern-day kids only care about playing computer games, so they do not know how to study hard and learn the ABC's of human life. That's why our world is running counter to Confucius' world.   

I have a dream that one day all the people in this world will live together amicably, will help each other, and there will be no fighting or confusion.

I have a dream that one day this world will have no people with wealth and a high position, and neither will there be people who are penniless and in a low position. Thus, everybody is equal.   

I have a dream that one day people will not have greed or desire for the objects of the five desires—wealth, sex, fame, food, and sleep. They will not harbor hatred against other people, and will also not have an idiotic mind.

I have a dream that one day this world will have no more wars, no more earthquakes. How much the less would it have floods, fires, and other kinds of man-made disasters or natural calamities.   

I have a dream that one day everybody will be healthy, without cancer, heart disease, AIDS, madness, and other kinds of diseases that inflict much pain on people.

I have a dream that one day all children will apply effort in their studies, be filial to their parents, and be respectful to their teachers and elders.    I have a dream that one day everybody will be a vegetarian, and will refrain from hurting or killing other animals.   

How can we achieve such a world? I think that if everybody took and upheld the five precepts of no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no lying, and no drinking alcohol, then my dream will slowly come true.

If people do not kill, they will not want to fight wars anymore. If people do not steal, they will not desire or envy other people's property. If they do not have sexual misconduct, there will not be so many cases of men chasing women, or women chasing men. If people do not lie, everybody will trust each other. If people do not drink alcohol, there will not be drunk drivers who die in car crashes.   

In spite of this, the world is not good enough, because people will still be born, will still grow old, and ultimately will still die. That's why, if people want a perfect world, they should quickly recite Amitaba Buddha's name and wish to be born in his land of Ultimate Bliss! That is my greatest dream.


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