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【 佛祖道影白話解 】


Patriarchs of the Seventy-fourth Generation:
Dhyana Master Liaotang Dingche

宣公上人講於一九八五年九月十二日 Lectured by the Venerable Master Hua on September 12, 1985
比丘尼恆音英譯 English translation by Bhikshuni Heng Yin


註解:    前邊他們都講了,這是曹洞宗七十四世,叫了堂這個鼎徹禪師。他是江陰甘泉人,韓愈的五十三代的孫子。「少讀書」:他年少的時候也是想學韓愈。「究性理」:他研究「稱理盡性」這種道理。










The Master was a native of Ganquan (Sweet Springs), Jiangnan  Province. He was a fifty-second generation descendant of Han,  Changli. In his youth, he applied himself to his studies and  investigated the principles of the perfecting the nature. While  traveling through Gushan (Mount Gu), he left the home life under  the Venerable Daoyuan (Source of the Way). He studied the Xianshou  Teaching, delved into the doctrines of Guifeng, and read the Ancient  Traditions of the Caodong Sect, gaining insights into the doctrines of  each of the five classifications. He also read about the "Three  Mysteries and Three Essentials" of Da Yu (the Great Fool) and  remarked, "There's a saying, 'Knock over the great fool.' But the  great fool is no hero. What need is there to hit him? If I saw him, I  would just stare at him for a second, and I guarantee that he would  fall to pieces like broken tile or melting ice. His great kindness in  the past is hard to repay. There's no point in bringing up his case  now—thirty years later." The Master inherited the Dharma of  Venerable Elder Daoyuan.

The others have already explained this. This is a Patriarch of the seventy- fourth generation in the Caodong Sect, by the name of Dhyana Master  Liaotang Dingche. The Master was a native of Ganquan (Sweet  Springs), Jiangnan Province. He was a fifty-second generation  descendant of Han Yu of Changli. In his youth, he followed Han Yu's  example and applied himself to his studies and investigated the  principles of the perfecting the nature.     

While traveling through Gushan (Mount Gu) for pleasure, he left  the home life under the Venerable Daoyuan (Source of the Way).  He studied the Xianshou Teaching, which encompasses the five  classifications of the Small, Initial, Final, Sudden, and Perfect Teachings. The Xianshou School speaks of Five Teachings, whereas the Tiantai  School has Four Teachings: Agama, Connective, Special, and Perfect.  The Master also delved into the doctrines of Guifeng, and read the  Ancient Traditions of the Caodong Sect. 
Venerable Master: What is this book?

Zhou Guo Li: It contains the records of the Caodong Sect. [Tape is  unclear.]

He read that book, gaining insights into the doctrines of each of the  five classifications. He studied those doctrines very thoroughly and  penetrated them. He also read about the record of the "Three Mysteries  and Three Essentials" of Da Yu (the Great Fool) and remarked,  "There's a saying, 'Knock over the great fool.' But the great fool is  no hero. What need is there to hit him? Why knock him over? Just  forget about him. Why should a left-home person hit people? What's the  point? If I saw him, I would just stare at him for a second, and I  guarantee that he would fall to pieces like broken tile or melting ice.  He would be totally powerless. His great kindness in the past is hard  to repay. Why would I stare at him and get mad at him? It's because his  past kindness is too difficult to repay. The only thing I can do is get  angry at him. There's no point in bringing up his case now— thirty  years later. Thirty years have passed already, and we cannot discuss his  case again." The Master inherited the Dharma of Venerable Elder  Daoyuan.

To be continued


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