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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in Water and Mirrors

In Memory of General Li Yanwu

上人作於一九八六年三月十三日講於十四日 By the Venerable Master on March 13,1986
編輯部 英譯 English translation by Editorial Staff





*The scroll that General Li sent to the venerable master.



General Li was a native of Jilin province in Manchuria. He was  well versed in the Art of War by Sun Zi [a brilliant strategist who  lived during the Warring States Period]. In his youth he enjoyed  success. When still in his early twenties he became chief of staff to  General Ma Zhanshan. His talent allowed him to "map out tactical  maneuvers inside a tent, and wage victorious battles a thousand miles  away." When the Japanese army invaded Heilongjiang province,  among the Chinese there were those who advocated non-resistance  and giving up Manchuria, while others insisted upon repelling the  enemy and not retreating. There was unmitigated debate between  the two parties. General Li was all for battling the enemy, and  General Ma, who was acting Governor of Manchuria at that time,  agreed. Their combined efforts brought about the victorious battle  at Nen River Bridge; the Japanese suffered a huge defeat and were demoralized.  

The General was a valiant soldier as well as an accomplished man  of letters. Besides being a skilled poet, he was also a Master  Calligrapher. His calligraphy was said to resemble flying dragons  and prancing phoenixes. For this reason he has been called the  Confucian General. After his retirement, he practiced calligraphy  every day. A scroll bearing the characters "The Mind's Lamp Is  Eternally Bright" from his brush still graces Gold Mountain  Monastery.

General Li was a native of Jilin province of Manchuria, and he later came to believe in Buddhism. The first time I went to Taiwan, he took  refuge. He was well versed in the Art of War by Sun Zi.  He knew this work by the military strategist Sun Zi very well.

In his youth he enjoyed success, and when he was still in his early  twenties he became chief of staff to General Ma Zhanshan. He was  the chief military advisor to General Ma. His talent allowed him to  "map out tactical maneuvers inside a tent, and wage victorious battles a thousand miles away." He was gifted with military acumen that  enabled him to understand the enemy's moves, as if reading the lines on  his own palm. He could draw up plans inside an army camp, and score  decisive victories hundreds of miles away. He was spirit-like in his  evaluation of enemy forces.

When the Japanese army invaded Heilongjiang province of  Manchuria, among the Chinese there were those who advocated non- resistance and giving up Manchuria, while others insisted on repelling  the enemy and not retreating. During the Japanese occupation of the  Northeastern region of China, some people insisted on fighting the enemy,  while others said they should not fight but simply give up on Manchuria.  There was unmitigated debate between the two parties. Those two  parties argued on and on without end. General Li was all for fighting  the enemy, and General Ma, who was acting-Governor of Manchuria  at that time, agreed. General Ma Zhanshan also agreed with General  Li's suggestion to resist the Japanese. Their combined efforts brought  about the victorious battle at Nen River Bridge; the Japanese suffered  a huge defeat and were demoralized. After they were defeated in battle,  the Japanese become scared.

The General was a valiant soldier as well as an accomplished man  of letters. He was good at both military and literary affairs. Besides  being a skilled poet, he was also a Master Calligrapher. He was an  accomplished poet, and his calligraphy was very fine. In fact, I think his  calligraphy excelled that of the famous calligrapher, Yu Youren. His  calligraphy was said to resemble flying dragons and prancing  phoenixes. Yu Youren's calligraphy is still a little weak, but General  Li's brush strokes were forceful and full of power. For this reason he  has been called the Confucian General, a general who devotes himself  to learning and study.

After his retirement, he practiced calligraphy every day. It washis hobby. A scroll bearing the characters, "The Mind's Light Is Forever Bright" from his brush still graces Gold Mountain Monastery. Rightafter he took refuge with me, he felt as if a lamp in his heart was lit, thatit shone on and on for seven or eight days without going out. Thereupon,he wrote the words "The Mind's Lamp Is Eternally Bright" and presentedit as a gift to Gold Mountain Monastery.

To be continued


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