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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in Water and Mirrors

In Memory of General Ma Zhanshan(continued)

上人作於一九八六年三月十二日講於十三日 By the Venerable Master on March 12, 1986
編輯部 英譯 English translation by Editorial Staff













 A verse in praise says:  

For endless ages the Eternally White Mountain stands erect;
The thousand springs trace their source back to the   Black Dragon River.
Heroic warriors swallow rivers and mountains;
Courageous soldiers and loyal ministers relieve the  misery of the masses.
The white horse kicked over the rising sun;
A red whale dredged up a lotus from the ocean's depths.
Among the Chinese people are many brave soldiers;
Their overflowing proper energy fills the universe!  

For endless ages the Eternally White Mountain stands erect; / The thousand springs trace their source back to the Black Dragon River. The Eternally White Mountain was the "dragon pulse" of the Qing Dynasty. The emperors of the Qing reigned because of the Eternally White Mountain. Many rivers and streams originated from Black Water Lake. The Eternally White Mountains emit an expansive energy, and the water of the Black Dragon River is also very magnificent.

Heroic warriors swallow rivers and mountains; / Courageous soldiers and loyal ministers relieve the misery of the masses. The heroes from Manchuria had a spirit and energy that could overshadow mountains and swallow rivers. The righteous soldiers fighting for their country aided the people and relieved the masses who were suffering so gravely it was as if they were hanging upside down.

The white horse kicked over the rising sun; / A red whaledredged up a lotus from the ocean's depths. General Madefeated the "sun-flag" of the Japanese. The General's surname,Ma, means horse. The "sun-flag" is the Japanese national flag,and the "red whale dredging the lotus from the bottom of thesea" refers to the Communist regime in China. And so the earthturned red everywhere. 

Among the Chinese people are many brave soldiers; / Their overflowing proper energy fills the universe! There is a vast and proper energy in Manchuria, and so the people from Manchuria are very generous and straightforward.

(The End)


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