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The Flower Adornment Sutra with Commentary

【卷四 世主妙嚴品第一之四】

Roll Four, Chapter One: The Wondrous Adornments of World Rulers, Part Four

宣化上人講 Commentary by theVenerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄翻譯 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised Version




























佛又皺眉,怎麼辦呢?這一類的眾生,把自己都忘了,為他人去做嫁衣裳。為他人去做嫁衣裳,就是 To forget making one's own clothes, help others making clothes。佛說這一類的人,你說他可憐也可以,說他不可憐也可以,這是說的捨己田而耕人田;捨了自己的地不種,種其他人的地。「此發威光解脫門」,這種境界,就是普發威光主藥神,他得到的解脫門。




The Thus Come One, from every pore,
Emits bright light that extinguishes all disasters,
Putting an end to all the world's afflictions.
This is the door entered
    by the Spirit named Emitting Light.

The Thus Come One, from every pore, Emits bright light that extinguishes all disasters.
Every time the Buddha raises his hand, takes a step, emits light, or causes the earth to quake, there are causes and conditions for it. What causes and conditions? He wishes to benefit living beings and eradicate all disasters and hardships. Disasters and hardships are misfortunes. The Buddha wishes to bring people good fortune and get rid of their disasters. How do people's disasters get eradicated? They simply have to see the Buddha's light or the Buddha's body, and their disasters will vanish.

Putting an end to all the world's afflictions. There are all kinds of afflictions in the world. They are too numerous to describe in full. The Buddha is able to manifest great spiritual powers and eradicate the obstacles of afflictions of all living beings. Once their obstacles of afflictions are destroyed, their wisdom increases.

This is the liberation door entered by the Medicine-Ruling Spirit named Emitting Light. He has attained this kind of state.

All living beings are blinded by stupidity.
Their delusion and karma lead to sufferings of limitless variety.
The Buddha casts these out completely, bringing forth illuminating wisdom.
This is what Destroyer of Darkness is able to observe.

All living beings are blinded by stupidity.
We pitiful living beings consider ourselves intelligent, when in fact we have wandered unwittingly into the pit of birth and death. Why have we fallen into this pit of samsara without realizing it? Because we are too stupid. We are as if blind. Blind people can easily endanger their own lives by walking into the sea or into a river, or falling into a well. We foolish living beings may wish to be free from birth and death, but we cannot find our way out. We have no idea of how to go about liberating ourselves from the cycle of rebirth in the six paths.

Their delusion and karma lead to sufferings of limitless variety. "Delusion" means the same thing as stupidity. Living beings become deluded, create karma, and receive retribution, over and over again. They revolve in this cycle, never managing to get out. Turning around and around, they don't know what they are doing. This results in limitlessly many kinds of suffering.

The Buddha casts these out completely, bringing forth illuminating wisdom. Seeing us wretched living beings, like trapped flies buzzing to and fro without being able to escape, the Buddha takes pity on us and casts out our delusion, karma, sufferings, and stupidity, causing us to open the pure wisdom eye, which, like the sunlight, illuminates everything. This is what the Medicine-Ruling Spirit named Pure Destroyer of Darkness is able to observe. He is able to understand this state and enter this liberation door.

The Thus Come One's single sound is unlimited,
It can open all Dharma doors, which are oceanic in extent.
Living beings who hear it gain complete understanding.
This is the liberation of Great Sounds.


The Thus Come One proclaims the Dharma with a single sound.
Living beings each understand it according to their kind.

Thus the text says: The Thus Come One's single sound is unlimited. It has no limits or bounds. It can open all Dharma doors, which are oceanic in extent. That one sound is replete with all sounds, all dharmas, and all meanings. Therefore, it can open the ocean of all Dharma doors. Living beings who hear it gain complete understanding. Every living being who hears the Buddha's voice feels as if the Buddha is speaking directly to him. This is as when the sun shines, everyone feels the sunlight shining on him. This is the liberation door of the Medicine-Ruling Spirit named Universally Emitting Great Roaring Sounds.

Whoever is in charge of the tapes for the Heart Sutra and the Vajra Sutra, tomorrow someone is coming to borrow them to make a copy. He is coming around noon. The person in charge of the tapes should be ready to give those tapes to him. This person is a Mormon, but he is interested in studying the Buddhadharma. His mother is a Buddhist and hopes that her son, who is a college student, will also believe in Buddhism. We ought to help her out. The mother thinks that if her son hears these tapes, he might convert to Buddhism. That's just a false thought. Whether or not it can come true depends on the person's causes and conditions.

Observe the inconceivable wisdom of the Buddha.
He universally appears in every destiny to save the flocks of beings,
Causing those to see him to all be transformed by his influence.
This is the deep insight of Banner that Outshines the Sunlight.

You ought to contemplate and observe the inconceivable great wisdom of the Buddha, gained through limitless eons of cultivation. It is difficult to mentally conceive of or verbally describe such wisdom. The wisdom of living beings cannot fathom the state of the Buddha's wisdom. For that reason, it is said to be "inconceivable."

He universally appears in every destiny to save the flocks of beings. "Every destiny" includes the four evil destinies, wherein living beings with heavy offense karma dwell. With sincere compassion, the Buddha contemplates the living beings in the evil destinies—the asuras, hell-beings, hungry ghosts, and animals—and in the good destinies, such as the heavens. "Every destiny" encompasses all living beings, regardless of whether they are good or evil. With his great spiritual might, the Buddha manifests in every destiny, teaching and transforming living beings according to their kind. The Buddha appears within the destiny of asuras in order to teach and transform the stubborn, unruly, and incorrigible asuras. Asuras are perverse and totally unreasonable. The Buddha appears in their midst as one of their kind, in order to influence them. Animals are of many kinds, and the Buddha manifests in many animal forms to teach them. The Buddha also appears as a hungry ghost in order to teach and transform hungry ghosts. The Buddha also goes into the hells in order to teach the beings there. He universally appears in every destiny in order to save all living beings.

The good flock together.
The evil gather in gangs.

Everyone likes to be with those of their own kind. People search for and hang out with others who are like them. The Buddha, using his spiritual powers, teaches living beings according to their potentials, causing those to see him to all be transformed by his influence. Living beings are easily influenced by the Buddha, and they cultivate according to his teaching. This kind of state is the deep insight of the Medicine-Ruling Spirit Banner that Outshines the Sunlight. He has deeply understood and awakened to this liberation door.

The Thus Come One's great compassion and expedients are oceanic.
For the sake of benefiting those in the world, he appears.
He extensively explains the Proper Path for living beings.
The Spirit Vision of the Directions is able to comprehend this.

The Thus Come One's great compassion and expedients are oceanic.
The expedient Dharma doors of great compassion employed by the Thus Come One are as vast and deep as the ocean.

For the sake of benefiting those in the sentient world, he appears in the world. He extensively explains the Proper Path for living beings. The Proper Path is to be distinguished from deviant paths. The Proper Path refers to the Proper Dharma. He extensively expounds upon the Proper Dharma to point out to living beings the way to escape the Triple Realm. The Medicine-Ruling Spirit named Clear Vision of the Ten Directions is able to comprehend this state. He has entered this liberation door.

The Thus Come One sends forth brilliant light everywhere,
Illumining every being in the ten directions without fail,
Causing them to recollect the Buddha and create merit and virtues.
This is the liberation door of Emitting Majestic Radiance.

The Thus Come One sends forth brilliant light everywhere.
The Buddha dwells in the Treasury of Great Brilliance, and he releases that brilliant light everywhere. "Everywhere" means that every place throughout empty space and the Dharma Realm is within the Treasury of Great Brilliance.

Let me tell you a principle that people find unbelievable, but that ghosts and spirits will believe. Because people are too intelligent, they refuse to believe it. Their disbelief could also be due to excessive stupidity. Why is that? Those who are overly intelligent will not believe because their intelligence takes them too far. Those who are overly dull will not believe either, because their dullness does not reach the mark. What is this principle? It has to do with the library. There are libraries in various places in the world, and we ought to take good care of them. For example, we can install wooden shelves with glass doors to protect the books from getting dusty. Despite the protective measures taken in libraries, sometimes damage does occur. The damage or loss might come from the overprotectiveness of the library manager. For example, for the sake of protecting the books, he might take them to his own home and put them on his bed.

"Dharma Master, what you're saying about libraries is not a very profound principle. It's quite common and easy to understand." I haven't gotten to the profound part yet. Don't be impatient. I've just made the point that people go to a lot of trouble to protect the books in libraries. For example, the members of the Sangha have to protect the Tripitaka—the Buddhist Canon. If there is instability in one country, they will move it to another country. If that country becomes unsafe, they will transport it to yet another country. But when the Sangha members die, it's not known who will protect the Canon.

"Is he talking about me?" someone is thinking to himself.

"What in the world is he talking about?" another person is wondering. "The more he says, the more ordinary it sounds." Now I'll tell you something out of the ordinary. When you open your Buddha eye, your Dharma eye, and your wisdom eye, take a look and you will see that throughout empty space and the Dharma Realm, there is an uncountable number of libraries. These libraries don't need anyone to watch over them, and yet the books don't get lost either. Do you believe this? What's more, every Bodhisattva, Buddha, and Arhat is there reading the infinite, inexhaustible Dharma Treasury. Every Sage is there reciting his own never-ending Sutra. None of these Sutras need to be protected. If you haven't opened the Buddha eye, the Dharma eye, or the wisdom eye, then don't even try to understand what this state is all about. I knew that if I spoke about it, no one would believe me. Nonetheless, I cannot hold back and not speak. When it's time to speak, I must speak.

"Where are these Sutras?" you ask. "There's nothing there in empty space. How come you say there are all those Sutras there?" You say there's nothing in empty space? Empty space contains everything whatsoever. It's just that blind people cannot see the state of wonderful existence. For example, although the Buddha sends forth brilliant light everywhere, people without eyes cannot see it. Illumining every living being in the worlds of the ten directions without fail. No living being escapes being illumined by the Buddha's bright light. We have a saying,

The Buddha's light shines universally.
The dew water moistens equally.

Causing them to recollect the Buddha and create merit and virtue. The Buddha inspires all living beings to recite the Buddha's name. By reciting the Buddha's name, they can get rid of all their sicknesses and karma of offenses. Once they get rid of their sicknesses and offenses, they create merit and virtue. With merit and virtue, they are able to bring forth the Bodhi resolve, cultivate the Unsurpassed Way, and ultimately realize Buddhahood.

We who study Buddhism should avoid indulging in far-out fantasies. The higher we climb, the higher we want to go; the farther we go, the farther we want to advance. Being overly ambitious, we understand very little of what's right in front of us. Some people devote all their time to investigating rocks on the moon. But do they completely understand the rocks on earth—how they are formed and how they develop? If they don't even understand the rocks on earth, what are they studying moon rocks for? That's a case of renouncing what is near to seek what is far away, neglecting what is fundamental to pursue what is superficial.

Seeing this, the Buddha wrinkles his brow and wonders, "What can be done? These living beings have forgotten about themselves and only 'make wedding clothes for others."' They make wedding gowns for others, but can't find a marriage partner for themselves. This is also known as "neglecting your own fields and going to till someone else's fields." This is the liberation door of the Medicine-Ruling Spirit Emitting Majestic Radiance.

All right, I'm not going to say anymore.

Great Master Zhizhe of the Tiantai School recited the Lotus Sutra to the part which says, "This is true vigor. This is a true offering of Dharma." At that point, he saw Shakyamuni Buddha's Dharma Assembly at Vulture Peak--it was still going on and had not dispersed.

Let me tell all of you good advisors another unbelievable principle: The Dharma assemblies of the Buddhas of the ten directions are still in progress at present. Therefore, everyone should work hard on his or her cultivation!

To be continued


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