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Relinquishing All without Delay--
Introducing Shramanerika Heng Ding Shi

慕賢 編輯 Compiled by Mu Xian
 仰聖 英譯 English translation by Yang Sheng


她在從事護士工作15年後,轉任馬國國立中央醫院護士訓練班,教授「心臟病人之護理」課。同年上人到大馬訪問,恆定師為聽上人開示從吉隆坡趕到馬六甲,又到芙蓉,都陰錯陽差未能如願。最後一天再趕回吉隆坡會場,因訪問團員疲累, 當晚已無開示。傷心失望之餘,忽聽路旁廣播車上說:「今晚上人將作開示因為有人抱怨。」始得償願。

1980年首次來聖城即受三皈五戒,並 請了許多英文版上人開示的書回去研讀,讀後才知道佛法珍貴,發起研究佛法之心 。1984年再回聖城,隨團跟上人到加拿大溫哥華訪問時有機會向上人請益,受教良 多。有次和上人談話時,上人問她想留下來嗎?她答:「等退休後才來長住。」此後數度回聖城參加法會,直到1994年來聖城為上人祝壽始決定留下,當時已退休五年了。當年十月在觀音菩薩出家日剃度,成為上人最後親自剃度的一批弟子。出家後研究佛法及戒律五年,很歡喜,始恨來遲。現就讀聖城法大佛學修持系,並為新出家之沙彌尼上課時任翻譯。

Heng Ding Shi grew up in a large family of multiple religious beliefs in Malaysia. Her parents were Taoists who also worshipped Guanyin. Among her brothers and sisters, there are Taoists, Protestants, and Catholics. She herself was Catholic and attended a Catholic-sponsored English school. As a result she had no knowledge of Chinese or Buddhism. She learned to read Chinese books through diligently studying Chinese on her own after school.

After working as a nurse for fifteen years, she was assigned to teach a course on "Care of Heart Disease Patients" at the Central National Hospital of Malaysia. That year the Venerable Master visited Malaysia. Wishing to hear the Master lecture, Heng Ding Shi traveled from Kuala Lumpur to Malacca, and then to Seremban, but missed the Master every time. Finally on the last day she made it to the lecture hall in Kuala Lumpur, but the lecture was cancelled to the fatigue of the delegation members. Just as she was feeling sad and disappointed, she heard an announcement broadcast from a passing car: "Tonight the Venerable Master will still lecture because someone has complained." And so her wish was fulfilled.

Heng Ding Shi came to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas for the first time in 1980. She received the Three Refuges and the Five Precepts, and acquired various volumes of the Venerable Master's instructional talks to take home to study. Upon reading them, she discovered the treasures of the Buddhadharma and resolved to study further. In 1984 she returned to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and while accompanying the Venerable Master's delegation on a visit to Vancouver, Canada, she had a chance to seek advice from the Master and gained deep benefit. The Master once asked her whether she would like to stay at the City. She replied, "After I retire, I will come to live here permanently."

She returned to the City various times to attend Dharma sessions. When she came to the City in 1994 to celebrate the Master's birthday, she decided to stay. She had retired five years earlier. She entered the monastic life on Guanyin Bodhisattva's Leaving Home Day in October of that year, as part of the last group of disciples whose heads were personally shaved by the Master. After leaving home, she has felt very happy studying the Buddhadharma and the precepts, and only regrets that she joined the Sangha so late. She is now in the Buddhist Studies and Practice Program of Dharma Realm Buddhist University. She also serves as a translator during classes for the new novice nuns.



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