effect)就會開始起作用。列車後面出現了紅移現象( red
shift),景物變成了紅色;列車的前面出現了藍移( blueshi的現象,迎面而來的景物呈現著藍色或是紫蘿蘭的顏色;列車旁邊由較前到較後則呈現綠色、黃色、橙色、彩虹效應(
一切有為法 如夢幻泡影
如露亦如電 應作如是觀
( motionless everlasting now)。在這覺解
Blake即曾 禪悟到剎那包括了永恆及無限的奧妙:
過去心不可得: 現在心不可得:
未來心不可得: 我相不可得:
眾生相不可得: 壽〈時間〉者相不可得。
〈Don Juan〉用這樣的話語來啟示我們:「如果你要做一個有智慧的人,你要身體輕而且可以流動。」可不是嗎?那隻翅膀裝了金的鳥怎麼還可能飛翔呢?能在光速旅行的高智慧者,都能先把沉重的世俗負
擔放下,把情感的行囊放下。貪饜、瞋恨 、執著,都是比鐵塊還重,比鐵鍊還束縛,讓你起飛時礙手絆腳甚至動彈不得。
當你因為捨得、了得而願意去掉我執〈ego〉而回到大我〈 self〉時,你就像是
of theuniverse〉。因此,過去、現在、未來的三世因果 續流消失了,剎那變成如如不動的永恆;任何速度
time space continuum〉縱橫馳騁,尋聲救苦,來去自如。
三十二應遍塵剎 百千萬劫化閻浮
千處祈求千處應 苦海常作渡人舟
超越時空並不在銀河系之外,甚至也不在宇宙之外。預瞻物理學家〈 visionary
What the ancients said was right: when
embarking on a long journey, one must travel light. This is
especially the case on a journey at the speed of light. Not
only must you leave all baggage behind, you should also
relinquish the attachment to ego. To imagine the experience
of traveling at the speed of light, let us first assume:
1. There is a railroad track that extends
into infinity.
2. There is a special train that defies the laws of physics.
It can accelerate from zero miles per second (mps) to
186,000 mps, the speed of light.
As this train accelerates from 0 mps to
93,000 mps, the beautiful scenery on both sides, such as
magnificent mountains and spectacular ledges, wisps of ivory
clouds, or layers of drifting mist, still resemble the
landscape of our mundane world, except that they are rushing
by at a much faster pace. However, once the speed exceeds
93,000 mps, the Doppler effect occurs. Behind the train
everything is red-shifted, so that the scene turns red;
ahead of the train everything is blueshifted, so that the
scenery in front of the train appears blue or violetblue. On
the sides of the train from front to back, a special rainbow
effect occurs at high speeds. A rainbow of green, yellow,
and orange covers the country meadows as the train speeds
forward; thus surrounding the train are patterned and
rhythmic parts of a changing spectrum. At this time, you
will experience the color red, which represents good fortune
and prosperity to the Chinese. In fact energy is spent and
fading. Blue is the color that represents the vigorous
strength of ongoing growth. For example, newly born stars
are blue, while old, dying stars are red. However, in just a
few short moments, the spiritually alive and proudly
advancing blue, that ode to life, under the constant motions
of the rainbow effect, is transformed into green, yellow,
and orange, and finally enters the destiny of withering red.
It makes one sing the sad lament about impermanence in the
universe: "The only constant in the universe is change."
Impermanence is a constant characteristic of time and space.
In light of the changes that occur moment
after moment, how could we consider the success and glory,
fame and fortune of this material Saha world to be real?
Compare the busy and industrious CEO's with the incessantly
roaming roadside merchants; under these circumstances, are
they any different? Was the highly spirited Clinton, while
drowning in the endless anxiety of impeachment, not envious
of the fisherman on the riverbank, who enjoys seeing the
spring flowers and autumn moon in leisure?
The Vajra Sutra gives
us a most beautiful ode, which inspires us to remember that
impermanence is the fundamental reality of the universe.
All conditioned dharmas
Are but dreams, illusions, bubbles, and shadows,
Like morning dew and lightning-
They should be contemplated thus.
As the velocity continues to increase,
the colors of the scenery gradually fade. This deja vu
phenomenon should remind us of physics experiments in junior
high school. For the sake of representing the colorful
diversity of living beings in the material world, whether
they are rising, descending, flourishing, withering,
wealthy, or poor, let's dab some red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, purple, and violet paint on a round plate. As the
plate begins to spin, the brilliant colors start to fade. As
the plate spins faster, the colors become more and more
blurred, until they turn completely white. The Buddhist
philosophies of equality in all beings and of emptiness in
all forms are actually echoed in this simple experiment.
While it feels as if the past and the future are converging
upon the present, this is fallacy. In fact, it is the
present which extends into the past and the future, as the
surrounding images are compressed into narrow forms. That
tall and upright tree or any other towering object is no
longer proud and overbearing; it has been compressed into a
humbly thin curve. The objects in the landscape are pressed
against each other. Perhaps you still have the childishness
of the Saha world and yearn to pluck a few stars to make
into a necklace to give to that adorable little miss -
Ling-ling, a maiden in this Global Village when you return
to Earth; she will be so elated that it will take her breath
When the train finally attains the speed
of light, the present not only extends into the past and the
future, it encompasses all of the past and future. In the
continuum of causes and effects of three periods of time -
the past, the present, and the future-the present has
evolved into a changeless eternity. The present has become
the motionless, everlasting now. Within this enlightened
realm, we no longer squabble over trivialities. Thus, anyone
who practices speed variation shall enjoy longer life span.
Those who have wasted all sorts of effort in seeking a
fountain of youth will laugh at their own foolishness!
In the realm of light speed, infinite
space is merely a thin line of the imagination. No matter
how wide or vast the space, it is only zero distance. We are
in direct contact or close proximity with the stars and all
beings. All sentient beings are members of our own family,
since we depend upon one another to survive. William Blake
once realized through meditation the amazing marvel that an
instant actually contains eternity and infinity:
Hold infinity in the palm of your
And eternity in an hour.
Thus the universe suddenly becomes
ego-less, so that celestial sound, earthly sound, and human
sound all blend into one sound of great compassionate
wholeness. The Buddhist idea of an instant being an ocean
(space) of eons (time) contains the wisdom of great
compassionate wholeness, which illuminates our minds.
One should not attach to
thoughts of the past;
One should not attach to thoughts of the present;
One should not attach to thoughts of the future;
One should not attach to the meaning of ego identity;
One should not attach to the meaning of other living beings;
One should not attach to the meaning of time/life span.
After all, for a train to accelerate
from zero speed to light speed is only an imaginary event.
It is impossible in the material world. The only way to
travel at the speed of light in this material world of
physics is by waves. There are energy waves, electromagnetic
waves, mind waves, and waves of consciousness; speed is
merely another term for levels of consciousness. The higher
one's wisdom, the more one is able to escape the bounds of
the body, the ego identity, and attachment, so that one will
be able to travel at even higher speeds. Therefore, Don Juan
used the following words to enlighten us: "If you want to be
a man of wisdom, you have to be light and fluid." Isn't that
it? How is it possible for a bird to have wings set with
gold and still be able to soar? Those of high wisdom who
travel at light speed are all capable of first letting go of
heavy worldly burdens and then releasing the baggage of
affection and emotion. Greed, anger, and attachments are all
heavier than iron blocks and more binding than iron chains,
so that when you try to take off, they hinder you to the
point that you cannot move.
When you return to the great self after
eliminating the ego by being willing to let go, you are like
a tiny drop of water that is delighted to return to the
river, the lake, or the ocean after wandering around lost in
the sky. All the beings of the universe are closely
connected to oneself in the great compassionate wholeness.
Travelling at the speed of light lets us get rid of our ego
and return to our Buddha-nature.
Earlier in this essay, we spoke about
Maxwell reminding us that any physical substance (including
our bodies) cannot travel from one point to another at the
speed of light. Einstein also stated that the speed of light
is a constant of the universe. For these reasons, the
continual flow of cause and effect in the three periods of
time of the past, the present, and the future, vanishes. An
instant transforms into motionless eternity. Any speed,
including the speed of light, as well as distance, become
meaningless. It is just like the wise sage, who, having
achieved unsurpassed enlightenment, recognizes that "my
body" and "my ego identity" have no real meaning. In this
enlightened state, the speed of light is not merely a
limited number; in this enlightened state, the speed of
light is the perfect speed.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a story
by Richard Bach about an enlightened master transmitting
wisdom to his successor. Through dialogues between seagulls,
he unravels the intricate enigma of the relationship between
speed and wisdom. The enlightened elder, Chiang Gull, says
to Jonathan Livingston Seagull, who is seeking perfect speed
in order to reach heaven, "No, Jonathan, there is no such
place [as heaven]. Heaven is not a place and it is not a
time. You will begin to touch heaven in the moment you touch
perfect speed, and that isn't flying at a thousand miles an
hour, or a million, or flying at the speed of light, because
any number is a limit, and perfection doesn't have limit.
Perfect speed is being there (without spending time and
without traversing distance)." "Till you can fly to the past
and the future, you will be ready to begin to fly up and
know the meaning of kindness and of love." Only by
travelling at the speed of light can one fly to the past and
the future.
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva fits Richard
Bach's description exactly: flying at the perfect speed,
attaining perfect enlightenment, and freely traversing the
boundless time-space continuum to rescue those who are
calling out in their suffering. He comes and goes with ease
and spontaneity.
His thirty-two response
pervade lands as numerous as dustmotes.
For hundreds of thousands of eons
he transforms those in Jambudvipa.
Prayers depart a thousand places;
in a thousand places he answers.
Like a ferry, he constantly takes people across
the sea of suffering.
So, a journey at the speed of light is
actually a journey beyond time and space. But where does one
actually end up when one goes beyond time, space, and
heaven? Going beyond time and space does not mean going
outside of the Milky Way, nor even outside of this universe.
Visionary physicists tell us that going beyond time and
space can be done at any point within this universe, or any
point within our bodies and minds. In other words, that
which is beyond time and space is right in our minds. Heaven
is right in our hearts.
The Buddha is on the
Mountain of Spirituality,
so don't seek afar.
The Mountain of Spirituality is right
within your heart.
Everyone possesses a pagoda on
his Mountain of Spirituality
So cultivate at the base of the pagoda
on your Mountain of Spirituality.
A journey at the speed of light is a
journey of the consciousness, to come and go with
spontaneity and ease, yet neither come nor go in unmoving
suchness. A journey at the speed of light is the prajna of
compassion. Friends, let us journey at the speed of light
~The End