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The Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra With Commentary

卷四 勸持品第十三

Roll Four, Chapter Thirteen: Exhortayion to Maintain

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version




罵也是一樣的,他罵你;你不接受他這個罵,他又要拿回去。這好像什麼呢?就好像人仰起面對著天吐吐沫。又好像我們對著人吐到他面上一口黏痰,這是最侮辱不過的,最不恭敬的,可是彌勒菩薩還等它自己乾,他不用手擦它。你對著天這麼吐一口沫,可惜吐不到天 ,這個吐沫還是要掉到你自己的臉上,罵人也是這樣。 所以聰明的人,他罵人你就不要理他。我常常這樣講,他罵你你就認為不懂,或者你想:「哦,他是不是說日本話呢?」

日本罵人的話說「八咖」。什麼叫「八咖」?不懂?八咖就是罵人的。罵什麼呢?他說:「你這個混蛋!」這是罵人的話。所以說你若不懂日語,你就不懂這是個什麼意思,以為他唱歌給你聽,或者以為他讚歎你,他說我最聰明。或者你若不懂英文;英文罵人怎麼樣罵?我還沒學會所以不知道。那麼他罵你,你當他講英文給我聽:「什麼叫ABC?」這好像你罵人,你說:「你是一個thief 。」不懂英文的人就想: 「他講什麼呢?」懂英文的知道他罵人是賊。中國人罵人的話也很多。

我在以前很歡喜罵人的,十二歲以前最歡喜罵人。 那時候誰也沒有我罵得多,等過了十二歲之後永遠也不罵人了,所以罵人的話我不願意講。舉例講日本話罵人,這是因為沒有那麼多人懂得日本話。罵,你就把它當「他唱歌給我聽呢!罵就是讚歎我嘛!就是他說我好嘛。」他說你不好,你認為是好,那就沒事了。

你要知道盡讚歎你,給你戴高帽子,就把你害了;有人罵一點那才見出你有沒有忍辱的功夫。你若有忍辱的功夫,有人罵你,你好像沒有那麼一回事似的;有人打你,也好像沒有那麼回事似的;有人說你最壞,也沒有問題;有人說你::「這個人,他騙人的! 」也沒有問題。所以我不是常講說我是騙人的?我自己都說我自己騙人的;不單騙人,我還騙我自己,叫自己無論如何不要往壞路上走。所以你若知道,罵人就是反面來讚歎你 ,幫助你。

「及加刀杖者」:你看不單罵你要忍,而且用刀來殺你,用棍子來打你, 「我等皆當忍」。作菩薩不是那麼容易的,不是就說:「我是Bodhisattva(菩薩)。」 這一罵你就發了火了。那是什麼Bodhisattva?菩薩就是要忍人所不能忍的;讓人所不能讓的;吃人所不能吃的 ;受人所不能受的。你若沒有這點忍力,切記不要把那個高帽子往自己頭上戴,說:「我是Bodhisattva 。 」你是一個什麼Bodhisattva?脾氣大的Bodhisattva?放不下的Bodhisattva ?


From last issue: We eighty trillion Bodhisattvas shall vastly speak and propagate the Dharma Flower Sutra for the sake of living beings.

Ignorant people
With evil mouths will revile us,
Or even beat us with knives or staves,
But we will endure it all.

In the Dharma-ending age ignorant people, stupid people with evil mouths will revile us. They behave in a coarse manner, speak harshly, and scold others, never saying anything positive or pleasant. They will have accomplished the dharmas of scolding people. If you scold someone, however, and that person refuses to be moved by your words, then the scolding comes back to you. If you give someone a present and he doesn't accept it, you have to take it back.

It works the same way with scolding. It's also like someone who looks up at the sky and spits at it. The spittle falls back on his own face. If someone spits at us, we would find it most insulting and disrespectful. If someone spits on Maitreya Bodhisattva's face, he just lets it dry and doesn't even bother to wipe it off. If you spit at the sky, the spittle doesn't reach the sky but falls back on your own face. Scolding works the same way. Intelligent people just ignore it when people scold them. I often tell you that if people scold you, just pretend you don't understand. You can think, "Oh, he must be speaking Japanese."

When a Japanese person insults you by calling you bajia, you think, "What does bajia mean? I don't understand." He is calling you a rotten egg, but if you don't know Japanese, you won't understand. You will think that he is singing a song or praising your intelligence. If you don't know English, when someone scolds you in English, you may pretend they are teaching you the ABC's in English. For example, if someone calls you a thief yet you don't understand English, you will wonder, "What is he saying?" The Chinese also have a lot of expressions for scolding people.

Up until I was twelve, I often scolded people. Nobody was more fierce than I! After the age of twelve, however, I never scolded others again. I don't ever want to say anything derogatory. I used Japanese as an example because few people here know Japanese. When people scold you, pretend they are singing a song for you; pretend they are praising you. If they insult you but you regard their words as praise, then there's no problem.

You should Know Flatterers who praise you and give you high hats to wear are hurting you. People who scold you a bit are testing your ability to endure insults. If you endure insults well, it's as if nothing's the matter when people berate you or beat you. No matter how badly people speak of you, it doesn't matter. Even if people accuse you of cheating, it's no problem. So I often say that I am cheating you. I call myself a cheater. Not only do I cheat you, I also cheat myself, telling myself not to go down a bad road no matter what happens. People who scold you are actually praising you and helping you from the opposite direction.

Or it may be that people even attack us with knives or staves, intending to kill us, but we will endure it all. See? It's not that easy to be a Bodhisattva. You can't just say, "I am a Bodhisattva," and then get angry when someone insults you. What kind of Bodhisattva is that? Bodhisattvas have to endure what others cannot endure, yield where others cannot yield, eat what others cannot eat, take what others cannot take. If you don't have that much patience, be careful not to put a high hat on yourself and say, "I am a Bodhisattva." What are you-a nasty-tempered, uptight Bodhisattva?

To be continued


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