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Account of a Demon from the Heaven of Sovereignty

淨彬 文By Jing Bin
比丘尼恆音 英譯English translation by Bhikshuni Heng Yin










Eight years ago when I first received the Three Refuges and the Five Precepts, I remember hearing the Venerable Master Hua say, "In order to enable the Proper Dharma to dwell in the world, one must regularly recite the Shurangama Sutra and the Shurangama Mantra. If the Shurangama Sutra is around, the Proper Dharma will remain in the world." I followed his instructions and recited the Shurangama Mantra three or four times a day. No matter what other Dharma Masters or teachers said to try to persuade me to change to another practice, I remained unmoved and continued my recitations. After half a year, the test of the demons came.

There was an eminent lay Buddhist known as Master Huang who had just returned from the United States. He was rumored to have advanced spiritual skill and mastery of both manifest and esoteric practices, as well as being adept in healing, physiognomy, acupuncture, diagnosis through feeling the pulse, and so on. It was even said that he could perform such feats as opening one's heavenly eye by means of acupuncture. As a result, he had quite a following. Everyone scrambled to be near the Great Master and followed him all day long, greedily hoping to receive a secret dharma transmission from him. They longed to learn the secrets of cultivation. In addition to transmitting the Buddhadharma, this teacher would often pronounce that a certain individual was his disciple, his wife, his attendant, or so on, from former lives. He also said that he had come to the Saha world in this life to save people, and he intended to bring some disciples who had made vows in past lives back with him. Back to where? "Back to the original place," he often said, which basically meant the demon king's palace in the heavens. He did not encourage people to be reborn in the Western Pure Land, but rather talked about returning to the heavenly paradise.

At that time I had only been a Buddhist for half a year, and my knowledge of Buddhism came from the Bodhi Society at my technical college. Over a dozen of my classmates were Buddhists, and many of them had taken refuge with the Venerable Master Hua. However, all of them vigorously made efforts to draw near this "good advisor," including classmates who had taken the Bodhisattva precepts. In the beginning, we could not tell what Master Huang was really about. He had a refined and full face, a clear complexion, and a shiny forehead. He always attributed what he said to the Buddha. He put special emphasis on this line from the Vajra Sutra, "One should produce the thought which dwells nowhere," and often urged his students to reflect upon it. He also instructed everyone to bow in repentance, cultivate the Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra, recite some Sutras and mantras, and so on.

Of course I also went to see this "good advisor" out of curiosity. For some strange reason, he did not appeal to me. I did not want to learn his Dharma door, and I didn't feel any "Dharma joy." His admiring students came from Kaohsiung, Pingdong, Taichung, and Taipei to be near him, and he stayed temporarily at a place 2 km from my home in Tainan.

Actually, I was full of remorse and concern, and berated myself for having such heavy karmic obstacles that I had no affinities to draw near and study Buddhism with this foreign-educated good advisor. Every time I watched my classmates and Dharma friends go to see that teacher and return full of Dharma joy, there was a bitter feeling in my heart. When I felt depressed, I would sometimes ride my motorcycle to a deserted beach in the middle of the night. I spent the days trying to "escape" my discomfort. In spite of all this, I "foolishly" continued my daily practice of reciting the Shurangama Mantra.

The situation with Master Huang continued like this for about half a month. One day, those classmates who always went to see him strangely started to give me the cold shoulder. I had no idea why there was suddenly this distance between them and me. At first I didn't notice, but gradually it became very obvious. As it turned out, they had all learned a secret dharma from the teacher and all possessed "great spiritual power." What great power? For example, while they were in Tainan, their ears could "hear" their teacher, who was in Kaohsiung. Their mouths could also supersede the distance and hold conversations with him. It was amazing! They meditated occasionally, and they would tell you that they had gone to heaven and come back, or that they had attained the Heavenly Eye and could see things. At that point I took out the Shurangama Sutra and told them about the principles mentioned in the "Fifty Skandha-demon States" section. However, they coldly rejected me and would not listen to any of what the "Fifty Skandha-demon States" said. In fact, those principles annoyed them deeply. I exhorted them to recite the Shurangama Mantra. If their teacher had been genuine and upright, reciting the Shurangama Mantra would not have posed a problem, and he would have encouraged it. However, they were already completely under his control (perhaps even possessed by evil spirits) and refused to listen to my advice. Observing their pale complexions and dark foreheads, I intuitively sensed that they were beyond help.

After a month passed, help appeared. A Dharma Master from Yuan-heng Monastery in Kaohsiung happened to come to Tainan and run into my classmates. Noticing that something was not quite right with these people, he blessed them with Great Compassion Water and urged them to renounce their evil teacher. Finally, with the aid of the Triple Jewel, they awakened one by one. Each of them recalled that during the inter­val when they had "spiritual power," they kept dreaming of the Venerable Master Hua (many of them were the Venerable Master's refuge disciples). They realized that the Venerable Master had all along been aiding them invisibly so that they could escape the demonic state. After they all came to their senses, they earnestly resolved to repent and to recite the Shurangama Mantra to exorcise the demons. This account of the  demonic situation with Master Huang eight years ago is absolutely true and real. Nearly twenty people were mesmerized by him, and all of them have escaped his demonic influence. That was the end of that demon test.

That incident reminds us of what is clearly stated in Roll Nine of the Shurangama Sutra:

He is fond of saying, "In a past life, in a certain incarnation, I rescued a certain person who was then my wife (or my mistress, or my brother). Now I have come to rescue you again. We will stay together and go to another world to make offerings to a certain Buddha." Or he may say, "There is a Heaven of Great Brilliance where a Buddha now dwells. It is the resting place of all Tathagatas." Ignorant people believe his ravings and lose their original resolve. This is a pestilence ghost that in its old age has become a demon. It disturbs and confuses the good person. But when it tires of doing so, it will leave the other person's body. Then both the disciples and the teacher will get in trouble with the law. You should be aware of this in advance and not get caught up in the cycle of transmigration. If you are confused and do not understand, you will fall into the Relentless Hells." These are the demon king's attempts to recruit fol­lowers. Cultivators should remember: "If you do not think you have become a sage, then this will be a good state. But if you consider yourself a sage, then you will be vulnerable to the demons' influence." We should always keep the text of the Fifty Skandha-demon States in mind, and then we will not go astray. As it is said, "I would rather not go to rebirth (in the Western Pure Land) for a thousand days, than enter a demonic path for one day."

If you ordinarily use the Shurangama Sutra as a demon-spotting mirror in your practice, regularly recite the Shurangama Mantra, and cultivate in accord with the ideals of no fighting, no greed, no seeking, no selfishness, no pursuit of personal advantage, and no lying, I believe that you will be invulnerable to demons. Roll Seven of the Shurangama Sutra says, "For a person to sit in the Bodhimanda without reciting this mantra and not be disturbed physically or mentally by demonic events is an impossibility." "This mantra is accompanied day and night by 84,000 nayutas of Ganges'-sands of kotis of Vajra King Bodhisattvas, each of which has a retinue of Vajra multitudes." Roll Ten says, "You should single-mindedly exhort them to uphold the Dharani Mantra of the Buddha's Summit. If they cannot recite it from memory, they should have it written out and place it in the meditation hall or wear it on their person. Then none of the demons will be able to disturb them." The Shurangama Mantra has long been a part of the tradi­tional morning recitation recited in Buddhist monasteries. I hope everyone will remember to recite the Shurangama Mantra daily, especially in the present Dharma-ending Age, when "deviant teachers speaking Dharma are as numerous as the Ganges' sands." Moreover, we should be especially cautious and adhere to the "Four Clear Instructions on Purity." Then we will stay clear of the demonic paths.

The End


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