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四海善信望披剃    千年樟樹求皈依

一千九百八十九年 的大樟樹,最近透過中國一位特異功能人士,向旅美高僧宣化上人請求皈依,
並 於一九九四年十月二十三日,在洛杉磯以南的長堤聖寺參加皈依儀式。

Plants want to take refuge too? In the courtyard of Universal Salvation Monastery on Potola Mountain of Zhe jiang Province, a 1,989-year old camphor tree, through a person with spiritual power, requested to take refuge with a high monk in the United States, the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua. The tree took refuge on October 23, 1994 at Long Beach Monastery in south Los Angeles.

■   陳心平     文      by ChenXinping

長堤聖寺面對著太平洋,風景優美,是宣公上 人在南加州繼洛杉磯金輪聖寺之後,創設的新佛 教進場。十月二十三日這天雲淡風輕,是個涼爽 怡人的好天氣。上午八時起,約三百位信眾,陪 同二十一位請求剃度出家的佛弟子,一同參加剃 度前的拜願儀式。

這二十一位發心出家的人士,其中有四位男眾 ,十七位女眾,分別來自北歐芬蘭、加拿大、美 國、中國大陸、臺灣、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞 、越南,年齡從六歲到七十二歲。有來自臺灣北 一女的資深教師吳老師,自紐約專程開了四天車 ,趕到加州,請求在宣公上人座下出家。還有一 對小兄妹,也在同一天請求出家。六歲的妹妹早 在牙牙學語的年紀,便向父母說:「我將來要當 尼姑。」十歲的哥哥也在三年前發願說:「我將 來要當法師。」這對小兄妹的父母來自臺灣,分 別是電腦工程師和中學教師,他們衷心祝福自己 的子女早成佛道,普度眾生。另有一位越南裔的 六歲小女孩,繼她的外婆和十二歲的哥哥出家後 ,她自半年前便報名出家,終於在十月二十三日 這天達成心願。問她小小年紀為什麼要出家,這 位小女孩以一口流利的英語,很自信的說:「因 為我將來要到監獄,為犯人說佛法。」

宣公上人在剃度儀式中,勉勵這批剛出家的佛 門新血輸說:「修道是『師父領進門,修行在個人。』你自己若不專心修行、不用功,就是你拜 釋迦牟尼佛作師父,也是沒有用的。你們各位都 自己想一想:『出家,為著要了生死,為著要開 悟,如果還是這麼胡混,這出家沒有用的。』你 們今天出家,就是成佛的第一步,都要早成佛道 。」

剃度儀式結束後,下午接著舉行三皈依與受五 戒、十戒、式叉摩那法儀式。在法會儀式時,正 好來自中國一位宣公上人的在家弟子楊居士,特 別由中國透過越洋電話表示:

我和父親去普陀山朝山時,在普濟寺裡邊遇到 一棵十人合抱的大樟樹,他對我說話,他希望皈 依宣化上人。我覺得很奇怪就問他:「你在這寺 院裡那麼多年了,難道沒有碰到一位眞正修行人 ?並且沒有皈依,還一定要皈依宣化上人師父嗎 ?」他說他從來沒有遇到過一位眞正修行人可以 皈依;以前因緣不成熟,現在希望能皈依宣化上 人師父。我說:「那好吧!等我問一下師父之後 ,再給你回答。」可是呢,後來我回到休息室, 因為太疲乏,就睡覺了。醒來之後,就把這件事 情忘了,沒有跟父親說,更沒有請示師父。下午 時,想去其他的寺院,可是一下樓時,我轉頭想 跟父親說話,突然脖子就扭到了,還好沒有斷, 我馬上心裡就想:「我做錯了什麼事?」正思索 時,回頭一望院中的大樟樹,馬上意識到,是我 忘了他囑託。當時他就對我說:「妳怎麼這麼粗 心呢?把我託咐妳的事情給忘了!」我說:「對 不起!對不起!我記性就是差,你別生我氣,我 現在給你問問師父吧!」我就請示師父,師父說 :「做不做我的弟子無所謂,只要能夠做到『勤 修戒定慧,息滅貪瞋癡』就對了。」就這樣轉告 他,還說:「只要你能遵守萬佛聖城六大宗旨: 不爭、不貪、不求、不自私、不自利、不妄語, 即使你沒有緣份見到師父,你也是師父的弟子。 」他答應做到這些,還發誓像觀世音菩薩一樣發 大願力,將來也要普度眾生。這時,我看見他已 經成為一個沙門的形像,跪在地上雙手合十,這 個時候觀世音菩薩出現在他的上方,用瓶中的淨 水給他灌頂,我看了之後非常感動。回家之後, 就把這件事情跟師父匯報具體的一些情況。他的 名字叫仁能。我問他修行是靠什麼來修行的呢? 他說他一直是在念《心經》,來參這個《心經》 中的道理;但一直缺乏明師的指點,不能完全弄 通。

由於楊居士是虔誠佛弟子,又具備和各類眾生 溝通的特異能力,因此這棵樟樹便透過她,向宣 公上人請求皈依座下,從此得以有明眼善知識指 點。楊居土特別問這棵大樟樹,是怎麼樣知道師 父的呢?為何一定要皈依宣公上人呢?大樟樹表 示,這並不難!因為所有的一切眾生,實際上都 能夠聽到師父講法。因為師父說法時,是盡虛空 遍法界的眾生都能聽到、看到的;只有被財色名 利所累的人們,聽而不聞,視而不見,其他一切 的眾生,都是默默地在師父講法的聲音中薰修, 培養菩提的種子。所以,他已聽宣公上人說法很 久了。

宣公上人在二十三日的皈依儀式結束之前,特 別開示闡明修道的重要:「你無論是哪一位,你 有眞誠的思想,絲毫不苟,不要照著世俗的人來 做,要和世俗人相反,你都能得到佛教的這種利 益。所以,你們出家的、在家的,都要做一個眞 正的佛教徒,與一般不同的,不要像一般人那麼 貪啊、爭啊、求啊、自私自利啊、一天到晚沒有 一個時候不打妄語的,這是要緊要緊的!這六大 宗旨是學佛、成佛的第一步工作,我們都不要忘 了!不要忽略了!也要學著多吃虧,不要佔便宜。」

Long Beach Monastery, facing the Pacific Ocean, is the second Buddhist Way-place that the Master established in southern California, after Gold Wheel Monastery in Los Angeles. On October 23, the weather was very ideal. At 8:00 A.M., twenty-one Buddhist disciples who were preparing to shave their heads, along with 300 other Buddhists, participated in a bowing ceremony, which preceded the ceremony of head shaving.

Among the twenty-one people who resolved to leave the home-life, four are male and seventeen female. They came from Finland, Canada, the United States, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam. Their ages range from six to seventy-two. Mrs. Wu, an experienced long-time teacher of the well-known Taipei First Girls' High School in Taiwan, drove four days from New York to California to leave the home-life with the Venerable Master. A pair of youths who are brother and sister also left the home-life that day. The six-year old sister had said to her parents long ago when she was just learning to talk, "I want to be a Buddhist nun in the future." The ten-year old brother had also vowed three years ago, "I want to become a Dharma Master." Their parents, originally from Taiwan, are working as a computer engineer and a high school teacher. They sincerely hope their children can soon accomplish Buddhahood and save living beings. Another American-Vietnamese six-year old girl followed in the footsteps of her grandmother and twelve-year old brother when she requested half a year ago to leave the home-life. Her wish was fulfilled on October 23. When asked why she wanted to leave the home-life at such a young age, she replied confidently in fluent English, "Because I want to go to the jails and tell prisoners about the Buddhadharma."

During the head-shaving ceremony, the Venerable Master encouraged these new monks and nuns, the new blood in Buddhism,

In cultivation, 'The teacher leads you to the door, but it is up to each disciple to do the work.' If you do not concentrate and work hard in cultivation, then even if you bow to Shakyamuni Buddha as your teacher, it would be useless. All of you think about it. We leave the home-life in order to end birth and death and to attain enlightenment. If we continue to be careless and dawdling, then it is useless to leave the home-life. You have taken the first step towards Buddhahood today by leaving the home-life. You should all accomplish the Buddhahood soon.

Following the head shaving ceremony in the morning, the transmissions of the three refuges, the five precepts, the ten Shramanera precepts, and the Shikshamana dharmas were held in the afternoon. During the ceremony, in a special overseas call from China, the Master's disciple Upasika Yang told a true story:

When my father and I were visiting Potola Mountain, at Universal Salvation (Fuji) Monastery we saw a camphor tree that was so huge it would have taken ten people to encircle it. That tree spoke to me, saying it wanted to take refuge with the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua. I found this quite odd and asked the tree, 'You've been in this monastery for so many years. Haven't you met a true cultivator and taken refuge? Why do you want to take refuge with the Master?' The tree said he had never met a real cultivator with whom he could take refuge, that the conditions had not ripened before, and that now he hoped to take refuge with the Master. I said, 'Okay! Wait till I ask the Master. I'll let you know.' Later, I went back to my room and fell asleep, exhausted. When I woke up, I had forgotten all about this matter. I had neither told my father nor asked the Master about it. We were going to visit other monasteries in the afternoon. When we got downstairs, I turned around to talk to my father. All of a sudden, I sprained my neck. Fortunately, it did not break. I was immediately alert, 'What did I do wrong?' Just as I was pondering, I turned around and saw the big camphor tree and instantly realized that I had forgotten to do what he had asked me to do. Just then, the tree said to me, 'How could you be so careless and forget what I asked you to do!' I said, 'I'm so sorry! My memory is very poor. Please don't be upset. I will ask the Master now.' So I asked the Master for instruction. The Master said, ‘Whether or not he becomes my disciple is not important, but he should diligently cultivate precepts, samadhi, and wisdom, and extinguish greed, anger, and stupidity.' I relayed the message to the camphor tree and added, 'As long as you can observe the six great principles of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas: no fighting, no greed, no seeking, no selfishness, no self-benefiting, and no lying; even if you don't have the affinities to meet the Master, you will still be the Master's disciple.' The tree promised to do as told. He further vowed to imitate Guanshiyin Bodhisattva in bringing forth a great resolve to universally save living beings in the future. Right then, I saw the tree turn into a Shramana kneeling on the ground with palms folded together, and Guanshiyin Bodhisattva appeared above him and anointed his head with pure water from a vase. I was deeply touched. I reported this matter to the Master after we got home. The Master took it seriously and asked me to get more details about the tree. His name is Ren Neng (Humane and Able). I asked him what his method of cultivation was. He said he had been reciting the Heart Sutra and investigating the principles in that Sutra. However, since he lacked the guidance of a good teacher, he had not fully understood it."

Since Upasika Yang is a sincere Buddhist who possesses the spiritual power to communicate with other species, the camphor tree made the request to take refuge with the Master through her. From now on the tree will receive guidance from a bright-eyed wise advisor. Upasika Yang asked the tree how he knew about the Master and why he wanted to take refuge with the Master. The tree said it was very simple: all living beings can hear the Master speaking Dharma. When the Master speaks the Dharma, all living beings throughout empty space and Dharma Realm can see and hear the Master. However, people who are burdened by wealth, worldly things, fame, and profit may look and listen, but they fail to see and hear. All other living beings are quietly cultivating, steeped in the sound of the Master's Dharma, nurturing their seeds of Bodhi. So the tree had been listening to the Master's Dharma for a long time.

Before the refuge ceremony ended, the Master made a special point of emphasizing the importance of cultivation. He said, Whoever you are, if you have a true and sincere mind, if you are not careless in the least, if you do not do what the worldly people do but do the contrary, then you will be able to attain the benefit of Buddhism. So, whether you are left-home or lay people, you should be true Buddhists; be different from ordinary people; don't be like ordinary people: greedy, fighting, seeking, selfish, and self-benefiting, not letting a moment go by from morning to night without lying. This is most important! These six great principles are the first step toward learning Buddhism and eventually accomplishing the Buddhahood. Don't forget them! Don't neglect them! We should learn to take more losses and not take any advantages.


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