This is the great Dharma jewel treasury;
This is the flowing source of great wisdom;
This is the Buddha-nature's original substance;
This is the true mind of sentient beings.
I cannot not look;
You cannot not look;
He cannot not look.

清香寶鼎化三千 如意金鰲遊九淵
善財龍女笑喧喧 佛教妙法汝要參
As-You-Will Pearl Hand and Eye
Pure incense from jewelled censor transforms three thousand;
The golden wishing tortoise swims through nine abysses;
Sudhana and the dragon girl laugh aloud;
You should quickly investigate Buddhism's wonderful Dharma. |
Although Buddhism in the West is short on many things, it is long on periodicals, paperbacks, journals, and newsletters. Some are extremely learned and some are full of misconceptions. Vajra Bodhi Sea will not academically divorce principle and practice, nor will it avoid weighty technical material. We are concerned with the intelligent cultivation of Buddhist principles which requires both learning and practice.
This is the first time any of us have made a magazine. Although its contents all originate at the Buddhist Lecture Hall, we certainly look forward to receiving articles from other sources. The karmic responsibility for the contents of all articles lies with the author alone. The editors do, however, reserve the right to make minor alterations.
As Vajra Bodhi Sea is new, just so is it old. Vajra is the most durable substance, and the Sea of Bodhi is the timeless sea of enlightenment, the place to which all rivers flow. As the sea is great, receiving the water of all rivers without overflowing, so also is our vision of the Vajra Bodhi Sea.

Vajar Bodhi Sea: everybody's old friend.
Vajra Bodhi Sea: everybody's Dharma food.
Vajra Bodhi Sea: eat it or starve.
Vajra Bodhi Sea: everybody's good teacher.
Vajra Bodhi Sea: the great light treasury
which illumines and destroys all darkness.
--- Tell three friends about Vajra Bodhi Sea. ---