Homage to our Original Teacher Sakyamuni Buddha

To the compassionate attention of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua:

It has been a long time since I wrote inquiring after the High Master and I trust that he is in good health. I am most grateful for the copies of Vajra Bodhi Sea, which I have received on schedule. From reading them, I know that the Master's writings are lofty and profound. They have influenced me greatly and wonderfully illustrate the Buddhadharma. After reading the VBS, I have sent them along to other Buddhist elders and they, too, greatly admire the Master's work and praise the great service the Master is undertaking for the propagation of the Buddhadharma.

Leading members of the Sangha and other Buddhists in Vietnam have been requesting for many years that I return to Vietnam to assist in Buddhist activities and culture. I shall soon be leaving India and request that my copy of Vajra Bodhi Sea be sent to me in Vietnam.

Lastly, I hope that Buddhism will flourish even more greatly in the West. As the New Year approaches, I extend my best wishes for blessings, peace, and good fortune and adornment of the Dharma Assembly.

Shih Huyen-Vi bows in respect.


An Quang Temple                   December 27th, 1972

243 Su-Van-Hanh Sir.

Saigon, 10, S. Vietnam              --see article page 26





The Sino-American Buddhist Association, Gold Mountain Dhyana Monastery, and the Vajra Bodhi Sea Publication Society will sponsor the Buddha's Birthday celebrations this year, and cordially invite ail Buddhist to attend the anniversary of the birth of our original teacher, Sakyamuni Buddha. The holiday falls on May 10th this year, and the major celebrations and ceremonies will take place on Sunday, May 6th. SET THIS DAY ASIDE NOW!