法界佛教总会.DRBA Logo

The Intention of Patriarch Bodhidharma's Coming from the West

化老和尚讲述 by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua


达摩祖师 西来震旦

达摩祖师 西来震旦



Patriarch Bodhidharma
Comes from the West to China

Bodhidharma--"Bodhi" meaning enlightened and "Dharma" meaning the teachings--was the Twenty-Eighth Patriarch in India. Why didn't he stay in India and be a Patriarch there? Why did he go to China? Well, previously Shakyamuni Buddha made a prediction that from the Twenty-eighth Patriarch on, the Great Vehicle teaching should go to China. Thus it happened that Patriarch Bodhidharma sailed from India to China.

法界佛教总会 . DRBA / BTTS / DRBU
