Neither great nor small,
Neither come nor gone,
In worlds as many as motes of dust,
They shine upon each others' lotus thrones.
有情觉悟,跳出尘埃; 六度万行,时刻培栽。
Sentient beings when enlightened
Leap out of the dust.
Their six perfections and ten thousand practices
At all times are nurtured.
缘觉圣贤,孤峰独眠; 春花秋谢,十二连环。
The holy sages enlightened to conditions
Doze high on mountain peaks alone.
Springtime's flowers wither in the fall
In a cycle of twelve interconnecting links.
声闻众僧,不论女男; 四谛观行,隐实示权。
The Shravaka Sangha,
Both men and women,
Contemplate and practice the four holy truths,
Concealing the real and displaying the provisional.
This is suffering, it's nature is oppression;
This is accumulation, it's nature is enticement;
This is cessation, it's nature is that it can be realized.
This is the Way, it's nature is that it can be cultivated;
This is suffering, you should know it;
This is accumulation, you should cut it off;
This is cessation, you should realize it;
This is the Way, you should cultivate it.
This is suffering, I already know it and need not
know it again;
This is accumulation, I have already cut it off and
need not cut it off again;
This is cessation, I have already realized it, and
need not realize it any more;
This is the Way, I have already cultivated it and
need not cultivate it any more.
六欲梵天,五戒十善; 种有漏因,轮回难断。
The six desire and Brahma gods,
With five precepts and ten good acts,
Plant seeds that have outflows,
So the turning wheel is hard to stop.
修罗性暴,有福无权; 好勇斗狠,浮沈业牵。
Asuras have a violent nature;
Laden with blessings, lacking power,
Absolutely determined to fight,
They bob along in karma's tow.
人道和合,功罪相间; 德升孽降,岂有他焉!
The way of people is harmony,
With merit and offenses interspersed.
On virtuous deeds you rise, offenses make you fall;
It has nothing to do with anyone else at all.
Eager animals feed on greed,
Never sated by a lot.
Because they make what's black white,
They don't distinguish wrong from right.
鬼类喜瞋,昧果迷因; 无明颠倒,日积月深。
The ghostly crew delights in hate,
Deluded by effects, confused about cause.
Their ignorance and upside-downness
Grow greater each day, deeper each month.
The hells' anxiety and suffering
Is devoid of doors, yet one bores right in.
Giving rise to delusion, deeds are done.
The retribution is borne in due accord.
Depressed and melancholy, you roam through the hells;
Happy and smiling, you enjoy eternal youth;
Weeping and woe make a small dark room in the hells.
All of these ten realms-a single thought-
Are not apart from your present thought.
If you can understand that thought,
You immediately reach the other shore.