为什么要受持五戒? Why Should We Receive And Uphold The Five Precepts?
上宣下化老和尚开示 Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Talks
不要错过受五戒的机会 Don’t miss the chance to receive the five precepts
什么叫“居士”? Who are the lay people?
什么叫“五戒”? What are the five precepts?
什么叫“十善”? What are the ten good deeds?
什么叫“绮语”? What is loose speech?
十善是什么? What are the ten good deeds?
必须向出家人求戒 Precepts should be requested from a left-home person--an ordained monk
佛教徒要守持的根本戒律 The basic rules to be observed by Buddhists
可不可以抽烟? Is smoking allowed?
受五戒的重要性 The importance of receiving the five precepts
受五戒的好处 The benefits of receiving the five precepts
学佛法没有什么利益? Is there no benefit in studying the Buddhadharma?
不受戒是真“自由”吗? Will “not receiving precepts” give you true freedom?
破戒怎么办? What if I break the precepts?
老修行的故事 The story of an old cultivator
文殊菩萨的宝珠 Manjusuri Bodhisattva’s Precious Pearl
不要做自己的辩护律师 Don’t act as your own defense attorney
什么是净戒? What are pure precepts?
法界佛教总会 . DRBA / BTTS / DRBU