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A Pictorial Biography of the Venerable Master Hsu Yun

化老和尚著述 Composed by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua







Hosting a Great Dharma Assembly for world peace

In the tenth lunar month, the people of Shanghai decided to convene a Dharma assembly for world peace. They met and requested the Master to be the Dharma Host. Fang Tzu Fan and others were sent to invite and escort him. They returned to Shanghai on the eleventh, and more than a thousand people waving flags and offering flowers welcomed the Master. The meeting was set for the twenty-sixth day of the tenth lunar month, and ceremonies for the welfare of creatures both on land and in the water were held. Dharma Masters Ying Tz'u and Ching Ch'uan, among ten eminent monks, were requested to assist, and seventy-two other monks took part. The assembly lasted until the fourteenth of the twelfth lunar month and participants swarmed the Way-place.

The gatha says:
The purpose of the Dharma Assembly was to pray for peace in the world.
The Bodhimanda was most supreme, and all in it were at ease.
Ending disaster and stopping war, they did away with violence.
Blessings increased and lives were lengthened - an auspicious star had descended.

