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A Pictorial Biography of the Venerable Master Hsu Yun

化老和尚鑑定 by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua






Perceiving magic orchids emitting fragrance at Kao Ting Monastery

The Master left Chi Tzu Mountain and went to Kao Ting (Lofty Censor) Monastery, outside of the westran gate of Ch'u Hsiung Prefecture. He was not there very long before the fragrance of orchids permeated the entire monastery. The managing monk congratulated the Master, saying, " This magic orchid fragrance which marks your arrival is a very rare occurrence. The prefectural records indicate that there are magic orchids on the mountain, but they are invisible. They are said to emit their fragrance when a true cultivator arrives. And so this orchid fragrance comes in response to the Venerable Master's virtue." The Master was treated with utmost deference.

The verse says:
The fragrance of the magic orchids came out not at all by chance.
A genuine person must have descended upon us.
The Venerable Master's awesome virtue was able to evoke this response. 
Treated deferentially, he was beseeched to stay.

法界佛教總會 • DRBA / BTTS / DRBU
