宣化老和尚追思紀念專集 In Memory of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

第二冊•Volume 2

In Memory of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua


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Transformation of a Bodhisattva, Footsteps of an Ascetic Monk
◎ Compiled by Shi Hengchi
宣化老和尚追思紀念專集2 - 菩薩幻化 頭陀行跡•In Memory of the Venerable Master Hsuan Huan - Transformation of a Bodhisattva,


Bay Area, California


Much of the Master’s time and energy was spent searching for land and facilities to serve as Way-places in the West. The Master’s tireless zeal in establishing Buddhist communities, educational facilities, monasteries, and translation institutes was based on his vows that the Proper Dharma should prevail.
