宣化老和尚追思紀念專集 In Memory of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

第二冊•Volume 2

In Memory of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua


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Transformation of a Bodhisattva, Footsteps of an Ascetic Monk
◎ Compiled by Shi Hengchi
宣化老和尚追思紀念專集2 - 菩薩幻化 頭陀行跡•In Memory of the Venerable Master Hsuan Huan - Transformation of a Bodhisattva,


Blessing the Turtles


Already free, the turtles were loath to leave their benefactor. They surfaced and tread water, craning their necks to peer at the source of their mysterious liberation. Their obvious expression of gratitude brought a smile to the Master’s face as he quietly extended his hands to bless them.
