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Venerable Master Hua's Talks on Dharma Volume Seven 

化老和尚開示 Lectures by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua



The Eight Virtues Are the Foundation for Being a Person

Never do anything that goes against reason and conscience.



Young friends, do you know what the foundation for being a person is? It is comprised of the eight virtues: filiality, fraternal respect, loyalty, trustworthiness, propriety, righteousness, incorruptibility, and a sense of shame. Today I will briefly explain these eight virtues. Listen well!



1. Filiality: As a son or daughter, it is your duty to be filial and compliant to your parents. By being filial and compliant, you are repaying your parents' kindness for raising you.



2. Fraternal respect: As a younger sibling, you should be respectful to your elder siblings and to your elders, in order to repay their kindness.




3. Loyalty: As a citizen, it 's your duty to loyally serve the country, in order to repay the country's kindness.



4. Trustworthiness: When you are with friends, you should be trustworthy and live up to your words. Your actions should be sincere and respectful, and you should not cause others to lose faith in you.



5. Propriety: This refers to etiquette. You should treat people courteously. If you are discourteous, then you are no better than a savage. Young friends, you should greet your teachers, elders, and parents with proper respect.



6. Righteousness: Be righteous in spirit and coura-geously do what should be done. When people are in difficulty, do your best to help them resolve their problems. Treat your friends with a sense of right and honor. Help them unconditionally, without ulterior motives.

(七)廉:就是廉潔。有廉潔的人,無論見到什麼,都不起貪求之心,沒有想佔便宜的心, 而養成大公無私的精神。


7. Incorruptibility: This refers to being pure and honest. No matter what they see, incorruptible people are never greedy or opportunistic. Rather, they are public-spirited and unselfish.

(八)恥:就是羞恥。凡是不合道理,違背良心的事情,絕對不做。人若無恥,等於禽 獸一樣。


8. A sense of shame: Never do anything that goes against reason and conscience. People who have no sense of shame are no better than beasts.



These eight virtues are the foundation of being a person. Don't forget them. In the future, when you go out to work in society, your words must be trustworthy, and your actions respectful. Speak sincerely and don't lie. Work with a reverent and diligent attitude. Don't be negligent.




A talk given on October 12, 1983


法界佛教總會 • DRBA / BTTS / DRBU
