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◎ 萬佛聖城•培德女中十年級•李明欣


上個禮拜天早上,三位老師帶我和六位其他的同學去 Stanford(史坦福)中學參加中文學術比賽。我比的項目是作文,雖然我從小在臺灣長大,但我的寫作技巧還是不夠好,導致我沒有贏得第一名。我剛得到這個的消息時,有些不服氣,因為我非常的好勝。但是我現在發現,如果我當初贏了話,我現在就不會反省我可以改進的地方。所以,失敗其實是一個很好的學習經驗,它能夠鼓勵人們再接再厲,並不斷的進步。

比賽之後,我們去 Stanford(史坦福)大學參觀。那是我第一次去 Stanford,它真的如傳說中一樣美麗、雄偉,除了一件事。Stanford 有非常、非常多的毛毛蟲!地上、樹上、花上、牆壁上,到處都是毛毛蟲!我們一群女生從頭尖叫到尾,近慧師也躲在我後面,要我走在她的前頭。我無可奈何,只好盯著地上向前走,試著不要踩到任何毛毛蟲。「小心上面!」近慧師突然警告我,萬萬沒想到一抬頭,眼前就吊著一隻黑色的毛毛蟲!這次去 Stanford 的經驗真的是有驚無險,又好玩、又刺激!


The Chinese Competition

◎Tiffany Lee
Developing Virtue Secondary Girls School, Grade 10


On Sunday morning of last week, three teachers brought me along with six other students to Stanford Middle School to attend the Chinese competition. I competed in the Essay Category. Even though I was born and raised in Taiwan, my writing skills were not good enough to receive first place in the competition. When I received this news, I was disappointed, because I was very competitive. However, I later realized that if I had won the competition, I wouldn’t be reflecting on what I can improve on now. Failure is therefore a good learning experience; it encourages people to try harder and allows them to continue improving.

After the competition ended, we visited Stanford University. It was my first time seeing Stanford, and it was, as rumors said, very grand and beautiful. However, there was one thing rumors kept from us—the caterpillars. They were on the ground, on the trees, on the flowers, on the walls; they were everywhere in the University! We screamed from the beginning to the end. Even Jin Hui Shr hid behind me, and told me to go before her. Unable to do anything else, I led the way, staring on the ground to avoid any caterpillars. “Watch out of what is above you!” Jin Hui Shr suddenly warned me. When I raised my head, there was a black caterpillar hanging right before my eyes! Even though the caterpillars scared us badly, fortunately, they did not do any harm to us. My experience at Stanford University was truly exciting and fun.


法界佛教總會 • DRBA / BTTS / DRBU
